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Chapter 7: Nationalism and Economic Growth SECTION TWO: THE CHALLENGES OF GROWTH.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7: Nationalism and Economic Growth SECTION TWO: THE CHALLENGES OF GROWTH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7: Nationalism and Economic Growth SECTION TWO: THE CHALLENGES OF GROWTH

2 I. The Economy A.Impacts of the War of 1812 1.Americans forced to produce goods for themselves 2.needed to balance the needs of agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing 3.Revealed financial weakness 4.Transportation problems 5.Many convinced in the need for a stronger federal government

3 II. The American System A.Henry Clay’s Idea 1.Skilled politician from Kentucky- Speaker of House 2.American System 1.National bank for sound currency 2.Protective tariffs 3.National transportation system B.The Tariff of 1816 1.Duty on most imported goods 2.Supported by northern manufacturers- opposed by southern planters C.Transportation 1. Funded by state and local gov. National Road and Erie Canal

4 Imagine you are senators in the 1820’s. You will be split into four groups. Each group will represent one of the following constituencies: northern manufactures, northern importers, western farmers, or southern planters. Your group will have several minutes to discuss the effects of the American Plan on its constituents. We will then conduct a short debate with a vote to either pass or defeat specific proposals made by senators

5 At the Bell It is 1816. You live in Albany, New York, and want to travel to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. How will you get there? How long will it take? What will your journey be like?

6 III. The Transportation Revolution A.Success of Erie Canal caused boost in canal projects B.Steamboat construction 1. Robert Fulton completed in 1807 C.Locomotives 1. Commercial use in 1830’s D.Market Revolution 1.Easier and cheaper movement of products created national markets 2.Increased profits

7 IV. The Industrial Revolution A.pre-revolution- skilled artisans B.Early Industrialization 1.Machine production- mass production 2.Eli Whitney- interchangeable parts C.Economic reversal 1.Panic of 1819- chain reaction of bank failures 2.Nation into economic depression

8 With a Partner Study the map on page 233. You will plan a trip from New York City to New Orleans or from Portland, Maine, to St. Louis, Missouri. Identify the cities on your rout, describe the methods or transportation you will use, and describe the environment and people that you will encounters.

9 FUN FACTS The average lead pencil will draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words. Weird NY Laws – It is against the law to throw a ball at someone’s head for fun. – A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. – A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket.


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