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Audio Programming Assistant A system that supports blind and vision impaired people to learn C# programming Team APA Philip Haines, Ngoc Khuu, Van Tieu-Vinh,

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Presentation on theme: "Audio Programming Assistant A system that supports blind and vision impaired people to learn C# programming Team APA Philip Haines, Ngoc Khuu, Van Tieu-Vinh,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Audio Programming Assistant A system that supports blind and vision impaired people to learn C# programming Team APA Philip Haines, Ngoc Khuu, Van Tieu-Vinh, Ping Li and Dr Dat Tran (mentor) University of Canberra, Australia

3 Outline Problem Definition Our Solution System Design System Architecture System Demonstration Future Development Questions

4 from Imagine Cup 2006 Teaching Software Design … technology enables a better education for all Software Design … technology enables a better education for all Learning Looking for an idea Classroom Student ??? Material It may be.. I haven’t seen blind students at my university. Why?

5 At Our University … So what are the Disability Standards for Education anyway? The Human Rights Commissioner, Graeme Innes will give a fascinating address today in 2B9, from 12 - 1.00 This is a unique opportunity to hear this eminent speaker, who has an international reputation.

6 If you know that… Go to ission/president_commissioners/ ml for a bio of Graeme, who will be accompanied by his guide dog Jeordie ission/president_commissioners/ ml

7 Research – People with Sight Problems 1.4 million children under 15 are blind (WHO, 2003) Every minute: a child goes blind BlindVision Impaired Global (WHO, 2003) 45 million135 million Australia (Blind Citizens, 2004) 50,000480,000

8 Blind and Vision Impaired People four and a half times four and a half times more likely to be unemployed than the national average (Vision Australia, 2007) Education LevelUnemployed Postgraduates34% All Levels69%

9 How can technology… …help them achieve equal opportunity in education and employment?

10 Current Technology and Hardware Vision Australia Canberra Blind Society

11 … and Software Screen Reader

12 Key Findings (Vision Australia, 2007) There is a higher need for technical skills amongst people who are blind or vision impaired The more formats of material they can access, the higher their employment opportunities

13 What Technical Skill? I still think it's worthwhile for a blind person to try a career as a programmer Michael Freeman blind programmer in Vancouver, Washington

14 Technical Skill would be… Programming Skill Help blind and vision impaired people become programmers … Our Idea

15 How to Learn Programming? Attend classes Read lecture notes & books Practice on computer What Software? Current: Audio Scanner, JAWS, Window-Eyes Current: Audio Scanner, JAWS, Window-Eyes What Software? No audio programming tool available How to enter?

16 Our Solution C#.NET programming Edit, Compile, Debug, and Run C# programs Audio Programming Tool AudioStudio.NET Provide better access to Web pages, Make websites voice enabled, and more … Audio Web Browser Audio Web Browser Provide audio learning materials Download audio tools Provide a forum Audio Web Site Audio Web Site

17 Assumptions and Requirements Blind users can use computer keyboards System design: not only for blind and vision impaired users but also for normal vision users Interface design: comply Microsoft and W3C standards for vision impaired users No commercial screen reader software is included

18 The Challenge Current Visual C# programming tool is not an open source We cannot ask Website providers to add voice to their Web pages

19 1. Audio Studio.NET (Programming tool) Load or create a project, then edit, compile, debug, run and save the project Blind users: Voice available on every control Vision impaired users: Large font Use short cut keys or just Tab and Enter keys Values entered OKButton OK 200, 400 200 50 Arial 16px 1 Add a Button Name Text Location Width Height Font Font Size Tab Index CCoCon Console

20 1. Audio Studio.NET Load or create a project, then edit, compile, debug, run and save the project Outputs text or graphics Outputs text or graphics and voice

21 2. Audio Web Browser Use arrow keys to move up and down Press Enter to select that link Use arrow keys to move up and down Press Enter to select that link

22 Audio Web Browser Link is spoken out and highlighted

23 Audio Web Site

24 System Architecture

25 System Demonstration Audio Studio.NET Get C# Lessons to learn Download & install APA System Audio Web Browser Have question Search answers on the Internet Practice programs Upload question on Audio Website

26 System Evaluation Rishi, vision impaired, music studentRobert, blind, lawyer Sharon, blind, graduate

27 Costs C# SDK and Speech SDK: free Programming and Web Browser Tools: free Web Administration: minor cost

28 Benefits Learning tools for everyone Higher chance to be employed Increase number of students Increase productivities of employees Accessibility to government & organization websites

29 Intended Impacts change policies Develop voice-enabled software change education programs Equal oppoturnity in education and employment

30 Future Development Audio Studio.NET Audio Website Audio Web Browser Text-to- Speech Speech Recognizer Braille

31 Thank you! Many thanks to University of Canberra, Vision Australia, and Canberra Blind Society. Many thanks to University of Canberra, Vision Australia, and Canberra Blind Society. Special thanks to Graham, Paul Brooks, Rishi, Robert and Sharon.

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