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CS34311 The Entity- Relationship Model Part II.. CS34312 Database Design Stages Application Requirements Conceptual Design Logical Design Physical Design.

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Presentation on theme: "CS34311 The Entity- Relationship Model Part II.. CS34312 Database Design Stages Application Requirements Conceptual Design Logical Design Physical Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS34311 The Entity- Relationship Model Part II.

2 CS34312 Database Design Stages Application Requirements Conceptual Design Logical Design Physical Design Conceptual Schema Logical Schema Physical Schema

3 CS34313 Relationship types in ER Model 3-ary “supplies” relationship: Supplier supplies Products to Consumers

4 CS34314 Recursive Relationship Types and Roles Recursive relationship type : Part-Subpart Roles: There are Parts that play the role of superPart There are Parts that play the role of subPart

5 CS34315 ER Model so far Structures Entity Types Relationship Types Binary, ternary, n-ary Recursive Attributes For entity types and relationship types Simple, composite, multivalued Roles

6 CS34316 ER Model: Key Constraints How : Underline the key attribute/attributes Key for Student is sNumber Key for Movie is Note: We can represent key for entity type consisting of more than 1 attribute (e.g.: Movie) We cannot represent multiple keys for an entity type (e.g: key for Student can be either sNumber or sName)

7 CS34317 ER Model: Cardinality Constraints How : Expressed using (min, max) Student can take >= 2 and <= 3 Courses Course can have >= 0 and <= * (infinity) Students min and max are non-negative integers max > min

8 CS34318 Cardinality Constraints 1:1 relationship type: A Dept has exactly one Manager, A Person can manage at most one Dept Person pNumber pName Dept dNumber dName Manages

9 CS34319 Cardinality Constraints 1:1 relationship type: A Dept has exactly one Manager, A Person can manage at most one Dept

10 CS343110 Cardinality Constraints 1:1 relationship type: A Dept has exactly one Manager, A Person can manage at most one Dept

11 CS343111 Cardinality Constraints 1:many relationship type: A Person works for exactly one Dept, A Dept can have any number of Persons Person pNumber pName Dept dNumber dName Works For

12 CS343112 Cardinality Constraints 1:many relationship type: A Person works for exactly one Dept, A Dept can have any number of Persons

13 CS343113 Cardinality Constraints 1:1 relationship type: A Dept has exactly one Manager, A Person can manage at most one Dept 1:many (1:n) relationship type: A Person works for exactly one Dept, A Dept can have any number of Persons Person pNumber pName Dept dNumber dName Manages (0, 1)(1, 1) Person pNumber pName Dept dNumber dName Works For (1, 1)(0, *)

14 CS343114 Cardinality Constraints 1:1 relationship type: A Dept has exactly one Manager, A Person can manage at most one Dept 1:many (1:n) relationship type: A Person works for exactly one Dept, A Dept can have any number of Persons

15 CS343115 Cardinality Constraints many:many (m:n) relationship type: A Person works for one or more Depts, A Dept can have any number of Persons Person pNumber pName Dept dNumber dName Works For

16 CS343116 Cardinality Constraints many:many (m:n) relationship type: A Person works for one or more Depts, A Dept can have any number of Persons

17 CS343117 Cardinality Constraints for n-ary relationships A Supplier supplies at least one Product to some Consumer Supplier sName sLoc Consumer cName cLoc Supply price Product pName pNumber qty

18 CS343118 Cardinality Constraints for n-ary relationships A Supplier supplies at least one Product to some Consumer

19 CS343119 Cardinality Constraints for n-ary relationships What about the following constraints : (1) A Consumer gets a Product from only one Supplier (2) Each Supplier supplies exactly 2 Products

20 CS343120 Cardinality Constraints for Recursive Relationships A Part can be subpart of one superPart A Part can have many subParts Contains Part pName pNumber subPartsuperPart quantity

21 CS343121 Cardinality Constraints for Recursive Relationships A Part can be subpart of one superPart A Part can have many subParts

22 CS343122 Cardinality Constraints for Recursive Relationships A Part can be subpart of one superPart A Part can have many subParts A Part can be subpart of many superParts A Part can have many subParts

23 CS343123 Cardinality Constraints for Recursive Relationships A Part can be subpart of one superPart A Part can have many subParts A Part can be subpart of many superParts A Part can have many subParts

24 CS343124 ER Model Constraints Summary Key Constraints Cardinality Constraints Expressed using (min, max) Binary relationship types are called 1:1, 1:many, many:many

25 CS343125 Summary of ER Structures Entity Types Relationship types – binary, ternary, n-ary. recursive Attributes For entity types or relationship types Simple, composite or multi-valued Constraints – key, cardinality Roles of entity types in a relationship type ISA relationship types Weak Entity Types – identifying relationship type, identifying entity type

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