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Entrepreneur’s Secrets. Building a successful business is not about a great idea. It’s about passion!

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneur’s Secrets. Building a successful business is not about a great idea. It’s about passion!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneur’s Secrets

2 Building a successful business is not about a great idea. It’s about passion!

3 Be who you are and find others who can work with you to handle the rest.

4 Principles to Consider

5 Clarity You must be absolutely clear about everything you do. Make the offer clear and obvious to the customer what the value is!

6 Belief You must believe at your core and from your heart that it will work, doubt is your enemy. You wont sell anything if you don’t believe in your own product.

7 Courage You must act and you must do so with confidence – fear will take you out of your game. Offer should never apologize.

8 Relating It is not about you, you need to relate to others in their place and from their perspective. Attract do not sell. Stating your value prop as if you were the customer telling you.

9 Team Your team must be connected at the level of vision, second in line will be their competence. Selling is not about just the salesperson. It’s the team.

10 Vulnerability Be who you are and admit what you are not. Weakness is being something you are not. Be honest about your offer.

11 Overcome You must have the stamina and attitude to overcome; this is the essence of being an entrepreneur. Let your Vision lead you and overpower your obstacles. In sales, yes and no are both good answers.

12 Remember your Vision comes from your heart; it is kept safe by your Passion.

13 719 Second Avenue, Suite 1405 Seattle, WA 98104 206.438.1874

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