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Gwynneth Davidoff, Kendall Pletcher, Mary Schmidt, Amy Whitcombe.

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Presentation on theme: "Gwynneth Davidoff, Kendall Pletcher, Mary Schmidt, Amy Whitcombe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gwynneth Davidoff, Kendall Pletcher, Mary Schmidt, Amy Whitcombe

2 Progress  Added op-amp to provide current output 200mA max op-amp might not be enough  heating when driven Voltage input measured to converters, LED was correct (didn’t drop, as without op-amps)  Ordered high-current (1A max) op-amp, rest of parts for PCB from Digikey  Updated PCB design  Working to combine GUI functionality with constant HK updating

3 Next steps  Priority: Test with even higher current output op- amps  make sure PCB we order works  Other: Continue with GUI work Box design Write up report/user’s manual

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