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Foundations of Agents. Agent World Agent Definitions Agent’s Properties Classification of Agents Agent Autonomy Concurrent Programming.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Agents. Agent World Agent Definitions Agent’s Properties Classification of Agents Agent Autonomy Concurrent Programming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Agents

2 Agent World Agent Definitions Agent’s Properties Classification of Agents Agent Autonomy Concurrent Programming

3 Agent World

4 Agent Definitions No concensus definition An agent is a computatioal entity which –Acts on behalf of a person or other entities in an autonomous fashion –Performs its action with some level of proactivite and/or reactiveness –Exhibits some level of the key attributes of learning, cooperation and mobility

5 Properties Autonomous Interactive Adaptive Sociable Mobile Proxy Reactive Proactive

6 Properties Intelligent Rational Unpredictable Temporally Continuous Learning Coordinative Cooperative Competitive Trustworthy

7 Classification of Agents



10 Autonomy Absolute Autonomy Social Autonomy Interface Autonomy Execution Autonomy Design Autonomy

11 Concurrent Programming Computing System Processes Threads Synchronization Examples

12 Computing System

13 Processes A process is program code that is in some state of execution. It has own address space, some or all of which are mapped by the OS into main memory. It has a single Thread or Flow of control.

14 Processor Single processor machine –Multitasking –MultiThreading –Concurrent Programming Multi-processor machine –Parallel Programming

15 Threads class A extends Thread { public void run() {...} } Class A implements Runnable { public void run() {...} } Main program: A a = new A(); a.start();

16 Thread methods To stop a thread: –Interrupt() To block a thread: –sleep(millisecond) –wait() –join()

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