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OFFICE OF SCIENCE Review of Critical Decision 2 for the Large Liquid Argon Detector for Neutron Physics (MicroBooNE) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "OFFICE OF SCIENCE Review of Critical Decision 2 for the Large Liquid Argon Detector for Neutron Physics (MicroBooNE) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 OFFICE OF SCIENCE Review of Critical Decision 2 for the Large Liquid Argon Detector for Neutron Physics (MicroBooNE) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory August 10-11, 2011 Kurt W. Fisher Review Committee Chair Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy

2 OFFICE OF SCIENCE 2.1 Cryostat and Cryo-System Fuerst, ANL / Strauss, DOE/SC 1.Do the proposed technical design and associated implementation approach satisfy the performance requirements? Are the CD-4 goals well defined? 6.Are the requested long-lead procurements and any related activities necessary to achieve the stated schedule? Has the Project done the necessary preparations to execute these activities? 2  Findings  Comments  Recommendations

3 OFFICE OF SCIENCE 2.2 Detector and Electronics Wisniewski, SLAC / Denes, LBNL / Stroynowski, SMU 3 1.Do the proposed technical design and associated implementation approach satisfy the performance requirements? Are the CD-4 goals well defined? 6.Are the requested long-lead procurements and any related activities necessary to achieve the stated schedule? Has the Project done the necessary preparations to execute these activities?  Findings  Comments  Recommendations

4 OFFICE OF SCIENCE 2.3 Infrastructure and Installation Guarino, ANL / Sims, ANL 4 1.Do the proposed technical design and associated implementation approach satisfy the performance requirements? Are the CD-4 goals well defined? 6.Are the requested long-lead procurements and any related activities necessary to achieve the stated schedule? Has the Project done the necessary preparations to execute these activities?  Findings  Comments  Recommendations

5 OFFICE OF SCIENCE 5 3. Cost and Schedule Merrill, DOE/SC 2.Is the cost estimate and schedule consistent with the plan to deliver the technical scope with the stated performance? Is the contingency adequate for the risk? 6. Are the requested long-lead procurements and any related activities necessary to achieve the stated schedule? Has the Project done the necessary preparations to execute these activities?  Findings  Comments  Recommendations

6 OFFICE OF SCIENCE 6 PROJECT STATUS Project TypeMIE / Line Item / Cooperative Agreement CD-1Planned:Actual: CD-2Planned:Actual: CD-3Planned:Actual: CD-4Planned:Actual: TPC Percent CompletePlanned: _____%Actual: _____% TPC Cost to Date TPC Committed to Date TPC TEC Contingency Cost (w/Mgmt Reserve)$_____% to go Contingency Schedule on CD-4b______months_____% CPI Cumulative SPI Cumulative Project Status Project Status Merrill, DOE/SC

7 OFFICE OF SCIENCE 7 4. Management and ES&H Sims, ANL / Loveless, U. of Wisc.  Findings  Comments  Recommendations 1.Do the proposed technical design and associated implementation approach satisfy the performance requirements? Are the CD-4 goals well defined? 3.Are the management structure and resources adequate to deliver the proposed technical scope within specifications, budget, and schedule? 4.Is the documentation required by DOE Order 413.3B for CD-2 and CD-3a complete? 5.Are ES&H aspects being properly addressed given the project’s current stage of development? 6.Are the requested long-lead procurements and any related activities necessary to achieve the stated schedule? Has the Project done the necessary preparations to execute these activities?

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