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XBRL for regulatory reporting Belgian projects. Agenda  XBRL projects by Belgian regulators  National Bank of Belgium  Banking, finance and insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "XBRL for regulatory reporting Belgian projects. Agenda  XBRL projects by Belgian regulators  National Bank of Belgium  Banking, finance and insurance."— Presentation transcript:

1 XBRL for regulatory reporting Belgian projects

2 Agenda  XBRL projects by Belgian regulators  National Bank of Belgium  Banking, finance and insurance commission  Federal Public Service Finance  Agenda  The current situation  Why XBRL  Project steps

3 XBRL for regulatory reporting The National Bank of Belgium Camille DÜMM Central Balance Sheet Office

4 The CBSO at a glance  Legal changes in 1975 and 1976  Most Belgian companies must legally publish their annual accounts  Standardization of annual accounts Set up of the CBSO on 17 April 1978 :  to ensure speedy and efficient circulation of information available in annual accounts  to arrange the statistical processing of the information gathered

5 The CBSO at a glance 1993 Introducing filing of annual accounts on floppy disk (text file) 2000Spreading on microfilm abandoned in favor of images-CD (PDF file) 2002Supplying copies of filed annual accounts through the Internet 2004Filing annual accounts through the Internet

6 The CBSO at a glance - data  In 2003 :  269.192 companies  296.673 annual accounts  4.215.000 pages

7 Current processing of annual accounts Electronic Paper Images database Quality Check Scanning Validation Data entry Accounting data Data loading Images CD PDF file Text file Output Paper Image CD Internet Figures Studies Statistics

8 The XBRL Project - Justification  Why to change for XBRL ?  Current processing system rigidity  Future implementation of IAS/IFRS  Purposes of the XBRL project  Introduce flexibility in our process  Make the maintenance easier  Harmonization of the data format and exchange with other regulators  Prepare the electronic filing of annual accounts drawn up according to IAS/IFRS

9 The XBRL project - Process

10 The XBRL Project - Steps  2005  Development of a taxonomy based on the Belgian GAAP  Publication of the taxonomy on the website and contact with software companies  2006  Internal filing process adaptation  Development of a application allowing the companies to fill in their annual accounts on Internet in XBRL  2007  Filing normalized annual accounts in XBRL

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