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Monitoring professional changes: analysing practices and creating competence profiles Elena Boldrini, Alberto Cattaneo, Luca Bausch R&D SFIVET (Swiss Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring professional changes: analysing practices and creating competence profiles Elena Boldrini, Alberto Cattaneo, Luca Bausch R&D SFIVET (Swiss Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring professional changes: analysing practices and creating competence profiles Elena Boldrini, Alberto Cattaneo, Luca Bausch R&D SFIVET (Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training) Lugano

2 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid SFIVET Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training –Training of trainers in VET –Compulsory and lifelong learning training for teachers of the VET –Research and Development activities –In order to always keep the training activities suitable to the context and updated → close relationship between the two Departments → posing the question about how to promote the competence development

3 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid Competence development in VET Facing the question of the competence development mainly on: –The level of the trainers teaching in the VET field (teachers in schools, trainers in companies, trainers in inter-company courses) –The level of the renewal of all the training paths of the 250 professions of the VET in Switzerland –As consequence of the new Law on Professional Training (2004) –Which promotes as result of the apprenticeship a mix of professional, technical, social and individual competences allowing to face the changed and changing professional context

4 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid Goal: How to develop competences? 1. Creation of a theoretical, conceptual and methodological model 2. Some experimentations and empirical applications of the model

5 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid 1. Conceptual model: CoRe a.In order to promote a competence development in every professional field an analysis of the concrete sphere of action of it is necessary b.The sphere of action is the professional field in which all the typical and everydays professional situations and practices take place c.The analysis of the practices and situations allows to schedule all the resources in terms of: Knowledge (declarative knowledge) Know-how (procedural knowledge) Values and attitudes (personal and social resources) d.The categorisation of the resources leads to the definition of competences and competence profiles -> considering competence not only as resources used in action but «as the mobilisation itself of the resources». One competence faces a familiy of situations.

6 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid 2. Two empirical applications 1. Investigation and creation of the competence profile of the teachers using ICTs in their didactics 2.Creation of a renewed training path for the profession of the Pharmacy Assistant (PhA) according to new LPT

7 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid Steps for the two applications 1.Modelling and analyse the sphere of action PhA: elaboration of a model validated by 2-3 experts ICT: using a precise technique of interview with 30 teachers in blended learning pilot projects 2.Identifying the professional and daily situations and the resources PhA: second workshop with 6-8 experts ICT: analysis of the transcriptions of interviews by researchers (Alceste+Atlas.TI) 3.Defining the competences and the competence profile PhA: 3° workshop, clustering of resources and similar situations with experts ICT: clustering by researchers + validation of experts 4.Designing the training programme → competence development

8 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid Steps recursivity I Modelling SPHERE OF ACTION II Identifying SITUATIONS and RESOURCES III Defining COMPETENCES and COMPETENCE PROFILE IV Designing CURRICULUM validation

9 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid Relevance of this model for the competence development −Designing the training programme on this basis→ competence development −Promoting competence development by use professional situations in training both in enterprises and in school −Creating special training courses to improve the ability of analysis of acted professional situations and the level of mastery −Encouraging meta-reflection especially in PhA apprentices: their own documentation is entirely built on the basis of all the 51 professional situations −Assessment not on the single resource (knowledge, ability, attitude), but on the progression on the global level of each competence in situation (transfert, autonomy, reliability, complexity and creativeness) →Virtuous circle between professional situations, competence and training which constantly refers to the actually acted practices

10 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid Un’altra scala di valutazione delle competenze

11 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid CoRe: examples situations and resources, and competence for PhA

12 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid Competence and competence profile ICT: the competence profile is composed by 11 competences PhA: the competence profile is composed by 12 competences An example of the formulation of a competence

13 10.04.08Elena BoldriniSFIVET LuganoTENCompetence, Madrid Thank you for the attention!

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