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The process for conducting a test Ch.11 Analyze Data and Observations.

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1 The process for conducting a test Ch.11 Analyze Data and Observations

2 Analyze Data and Observations Recommendation for improvement

3 Recommendations  Preliminary analysis Hot spots Without having to wait for the final test report Small written report or a verbal presentation To see the larger trend and patterns Compile data, Summarize data, Analyze data  Comprehensive analysis A final, more exhaustive report

4 A word of caution  Be timely  Err on the conservative side by providing too little preliminary recommendation  Clearly marked in large letter

5 Begin compiling data as you test  Whether creating a preliminary report or not, go on throughout the test sessions  Help to see anything important missing  Understand what have collected

6 Iterative, fast-turnaround test  Changes are made to the product after every few sessions.  Compiling data each time will be necessary.  Update test plan, session script, debriefing guide to reflect the revisions.

7 Organize raw data  Raw data Recordings to notes, to questions Comments from participants Issues lists from obserbers

8 Toolbox for organizing  Lists 清冊  Tallies 記錄、積分表  Matrices 環境網路  Stories  Storyboards 分鏡腳本  Structure models  Flow diagram 流程圖  Spreadsheet 試算表

9 Summarize data  Get a snapshot of what happened during the test  To indicate if there were differences in performance of different groups or differences in performance of different versions of a product

10 Summarize performance data  Descriptive statistics( 敍述性統計 ): the most common sataistics Simply techniquse for classifying the characteristics Use simple formulas that are available on most computer spreadsheet  Task accuracy  Task timings

11 Task Accuracy  Count the number of errors made per task  Categorize the errors by type  Track the number of participants who performed successfully or requiring some assistance to succeed

12 Three types of statistics relate to task accuracy  Percentage of participants performing successfully, including those who required assistance.  Percentage of participants performing successfully.  Percentage of participants performing successfully within a time benchmark.

13 Task timings  Relate to how much time participants require to complete each task  Commons statistics: mean, median, range, standard deviation

14 Common task timings statistics mean time  Mean time 平均時間 A rough indication Can be compared to the original time benchmark Consider using the median score if the task times are very skewed

15 Common task timings statistics median time & range  Median time Exactly in the middle position when all the completion times are listed in ascending order.  Range Shows the highest and lowest completion times for each task Each participant ’ s performance is crucial in small sample size

16 Common task timings statistics standard deviation  standard deviation 實驗或測試結果的可信度有多高 Like the range. A measure of variability

17 Summarize preference data  Limited-choice questions See how many participants selected each possible choice. For a small sample size this may not be necessary to view trends.

18 Summarize preference data  For free-form questions and comments List all questions and group all similar answers into meaningful categories Enable to scan the results quickly for a general indication of the number of positive and negative comments

19 Summarize preference data  For debriefing sessions Have all interviews transcribed. Pull out the critical comments.

20 Compile and summarize other measures  Number of times returning to main navigation unnecessarily  Number (and type) of hints or prompts  Number of times the site map was accessed  Points of hesitation (and for how long)  Summarize scores by group or version

21 Analyze data Time to

22  Identify tasks that did not meet the success criterion  Identify user errors and difficulties  Conduct a source of error analysis  Prioritize problems  Analyze differences between groups or product versions  Using inferential statistics Analyzing data you have to

23 Identify tasks that did not meet the success criterion  Use a 70 percent success criterion for a typical assessment test.  Doing small tests and iterating design, the likelihood of reaching the 70 percent success criterion should grow.  If demand too high (95%) success rate for the first usability test, will flag almost tasks.

24 Identify user errors and difficulties  It is helpful to define what an error is.  Do this in a validating or summative test.  The purpose is to understand what the possible errrors are.

25 Conduct a source of error analysis  Identify the source of every error.  Transition point from task orientation to product orientation.  Ultimate detective work.  Most labor-intensive portion.  To attribute a product-related reason for use difficulties and/or poor performance.

26 Prioritize problems  To rank usability problem: CRITICALITY  Criticality = severity + probability of occurrence  To enable the development team to structure and prioritize the work.  How to categorize a problem by severity Categorize a problem – 4 point scale Rank the problem by estimated frequency of occurrence.  A easier way: ask participants to tell you what was the most problematic situation.

27 Analyze differences between groups or product versions Ver.a #tasks correct Ver.b #tasks correct Liked best Prefer to teach a novice Ver.a ease of use (1- 5) Ver.b ease of use (1-5) Participant 77.22%76.67% A=4A=33.83.6 B=8B=9

28 Using inferential statistics 推論統計學  Infer something about a larger population from the smaller sample of test participant.  Caution Have not been sufficiently trained in use and interpretation of inferential statistics. Rarely trained in interpreting and easily misinterpret the result. Greatly depending on trying to obtain statistical results or not. Sample size

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