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Project Team: Matt Clark, Patrick Dwyer, Daniel Evans, Eden Kung.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Team: Matt Clark, Patrick Dwyer, Daniel Evans, Eden Kung."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Team: Matt Clark, Patrick Dwyer, Daniel Evans, Eden Kung

2 Introduction  Videogame for visually impaired  Sound-based gameplay  Graphics for limited vision, sighted kids

3 Basic Concepts of Game  Player, track  Lane switching  Variable speed  High scores

4 Screenshot:

5 Levels  Made up of segments  Read from text files  Simple scripting language  Semi-randomly generated  Difficulty scalable

6 Domain Problems  Sound discernability  How do you communicate relevant information from sound?  Menu and game itself

7 Key Use Cases  Intro  Menu choices  Game start  Game play  Pause  Level change  Death

8 Interface  Keyboard Input  Sound  Graphics

9 Architecture  Independent processes: Game logic Game logic Levels Levels Input Input Graphics Graphics Sounds Sounds

10 Technologies being used  C++, Visual Studio.NET  Windows  OpenGL  FMOD  Microsoft Speech SDK

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