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Beaver Bay Complex Hypabyssal mafic, intermediate and felsic intrusions that occur within the medial and upper parts of the volcanic edifice of the North.

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Presentation on theme: "Beaver Bay Complex Hypabyssal mafic, intermediate and felsic intrusions that occur within the medial and upper parts of the volcanic edifice of the North."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beaver Bay Complex Hypabyssal mafic, intermediate and felsic intrusions that occur within the medial and upper parts of the volcanic edifice of the North Shore Volcanic Group (NSVG)

2 Beaver Bay Complex Circa 1982

3 1985 Jim, Bernie, Colin, Jane, Steve Jim D Mike S Terry B Jim 1987 Crew1 1987 Crew 2 Terry B Jim Susan B Dean P Susan B Terry B Jim COGEOMAPCOGEOMAP 1985-1992 Dan H Terry B Dusty E Jim Colin R 19861989 Jim Robbie L Nancy N Eric J Eric J Kirby Jim 1990 & 1991 PROJECTPROJECT

4 Beaver Bay Complex Circa 2001 sbi – Silver Bay intrusions brd – Beaver River diabase vhod – Victor Head diabase slg/slt – Sonju Lake intrusion hct – Houghtaling Creek troctolite dfgn – Dam Five gabbronorite wlfd – Wilson Lake ferrodiorite elod – Elbow Lake olivine diabase frg/frqm – Finland granophyre llg – Lax Lake gabbro bld – Blesner Lake diorite umrg – Upper Manitou River gabbro ccpd – Cabin Creek porphyritic diorite slid – Shoepack Lake inclusion-rich diorite

5 Finland Granite Sonju Lake Intrusion Lower Troctolite Upper Gabbro Lax Lake Gabbro Blesner Lake Diorite Victor Head Ophitic Diabase Beaver River Diabase FTMD Silver Bay Intrusions SOUTHERN BEAVER BAY COMPLEX Ferromonzonite Leucogranite

6 Structural Complexity in the Tettegouche Park area

7 Geologic Control on Topography in the Tettegouche area

8 Houghtaling Cr troctolite Beaver River Diabase Silver Bay Intrusions Upper Manitou River Gabbro Cabin Creek Porphyritic Diorite Dam Five Gabbronorite Wilson Lake Ferrogabbro Shoepack Lake Inclusion-rich Diorite Fourmile Lake Ferrogabbro Elbow Lake Ophitic Diabase FTMD NORTHERN BEAVER BAY COMPLEX Anorthositic Series (DC) Felsic Series (DC)

9 EASTERN BEAVER BAY COMPLEX Houghtaling Cr Troctolite Carlton Peak Anorthosite Beaver River Diabase Leveaux Porphryritic Diorite FTMD


11 FTMD – Finland Tectono-magmatic Discontinuity


13 Western Beaver Bay Complex CLLS - Cloquet Lake Layered Series

14 BBC Magma Compositions Na 2 O+K 2 O MgO NSVG Lava Types OT – olivine tholeiite (pot-primitive OT) TB – transitional basalt A – andesite FA – ferroandesite I – icelandite R -rhyolite

15 Origin of Anorthositic Rocks of the Duluth and Beaver Bay Complexes

16 Far Northern Beaver Bay Complex?


18 Transition from DC to BBC Magmatism


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