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Admissions Logistics Statistics Current issues. Admissions Committee Chairman appointed by Dean Ex officio Dean Assoc. Dean Education Assoc. Dean Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Admissions Logistics Statistics Current issues. Admissions Committee Chairman appointed by Dean Ex officio Dean Assoc. Dean Education Assoc. Dean Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Admissions Logistics Statistics Current issues

2 Admissions Committee Chairman appointed by Dean Ex officio Dean Assoc. Dean Education Assoc. Dean Student Affairs 7 other members Anaesthesia & Int. Care Anatomy Anat. & Cell. Pathology Medicine Obstetrics Paediatrics Pharmacology Physiology Psychiatry Surgery

3 Admissions Overview Funded quota set by UGC Several admission channels JUPAS, EAS administered by JUPAS office nonJUPAS, internal transfer by Faculty Select for interview, based on best academic results, three times more applicants than places

4 JUPAS overview Joint University Programmes Admissions Scheme Form 7 students taking the HKALE exams HKALE results released in early July Students reprioritize choice of programme in 3 days No contact with Universities permitted re admissions JUPAS provides list of students with choice of program by Band, and exam marks Band A is the students’ first three choices, but the exact order is not known by University Within three weeks, return to JUPAS a ranked list of students with total number to be admitted

5 JUPAS exam results & WGPA University must calculate the WGPA WGPA = 1/4 CEE + 3/4 ALE HKCEE: 7 subjects HKALE: 3 AL subjects + 2 AS languages A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, … Interview those with WGPA ≥ 4

6 JUPAS interviews July after HKALE results released Have organized early June interviews to those with high HKCEE results: at least 5A,2B No early offer possible, still depends on ALE JUPAS schemes School Principals’ Nomination Sports Excellence Disabled Student Early conditional offers possible

7 Early Admissions Scheme (EAS) Administered by JUPAS office Form 6 students with HKCEE results, AND currently at local school in Hong Kong Minimum 6 A with at least C in languages Faculty requires Level 5 (previously B) in English Permitted to take 1/3 of quota as EAS Interview dates set by JUPAS, ~ February Similar Form 6 students with GCSE results also considered by University at this time. Require 8A* not including Chinese. Not EAS, are nonJUPAS students

8 nonJUPAS High School students GCE A level International Baccalaureate Canadian, US, Australia, NZ Graduates Undergraduates Mature applicants (Internal transfer) All applications read by chairman

9 nonJUPAS selection for interview High School students GCE A level 4A > 90% International Baccalaureate 40 / 42 Canadian, US, Australia, NZ top 0.5% Graduates GPA > 3.7 Undergraduates Mature applicants (Internal transfer) GPA > 3.7 Borderline applications assessed by two members and interviewed if one recommends

10 Interview Current format introduced 2001 Personal interview with two Faculty staff Semi-structured, in English, 15 min Held throughout the year from Jan to Aug Same interview process for all applicants 5 criteria, each scored on scale 1 to 5 Independent assessment Sum of two interviewers: range 10 - 50

11 Interview Personal career aspirations motivation, expectations of medicine General knowledge about medicine the profession, health care system Moral and ethical aspects shows some opinion and appreciation of issues Social cooperative aspects Teamwork and community involvement Communication and language ability Interview form has large space for comments

12 Ranking for Admission JUPAS 80% WGPA and 20% interview Low interview scores < 30 excluded EAS No WGPA to separate students Banded approach 10A - 8A with high interview scores (40-50) 6A - 7A with v.high interview scores (45-50) 10A - 8A with scores (30-40) ….

13 Ranking for Admission nonJUPAS Different categories students All considered to meet academic standard Ranked purely by interview score Committee decision for students with same score for last places and order of waiting list Internal transfer by interview score

14 Admissions Statistics YearTotalEASJUPASNon J Transfer 20051294263213 20061304548352 20071324744401 20081254342408

15 Transparency All details provided on admissions webpage and open admissions seminars except Interview categories and list of questions Exact weighting of interview

16 Interview reliability and validity Interview does not correlate with WGPA Best reliability and reproducibility from fully structured, multiple mini-interviews Time and resource intensive ? Appropriate outcome measure Medical school grades vs intern assessments ? Emphasis on selection (15 min), or on training (5 years) Complicated by multiple admission channels not all under our control

17 Interview reliability and validity Format and process carefully considered Semi structured interview Standard list of suggested questions Initially limited pool of interviewers Frequent change of pairs of interviewers Instructions for new interviewers Briefing sessions before all interviews Statistical review of individual performance

18 Review of Admissions Process Current issues Additional written test MCAT, BMAT, UKCAT, UMAT, GAMSAT Common elements with HKU Preparing for new 3+3+4 reform nonJUPAS Form 7 high school, graduates


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