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COMP101 – Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing LA1B (Fri 11:00 – 12:50) TA: Jackie Lo.

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Presentation on theme: "COMP101 – Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing LA1B (Fri 11:00 – 12:50) TA: Jackie Lo."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMP101 – Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing LA1B (Fri 11:00 – 12:50) TA: Jackie Lo

2 Lecture Review  Operating System (OS) Working platform between user and computer Control the computer to act as user ’ s will E.g. Windows 3.1/9X/ME/XP, UNIX, etc. Like, working staffs of McDonald ’ s kitchen ComputerMcDonald ’ s kitchen Hardware componentsCooking utensils UsersCustomers

3 Lecture Review FeaturesOSMcDonald ’ s staff Accepts commands Input DriversReceptions Makes components act Device DriversChefs Schedules activities for best performance SchedulerManagers

4 Lecture Review  File Management Structure Backup Format and Defragment  Command Line Interface (CLI) vs Graphical User Interface (GUI)  Multi-tasking  Questions?

5 Lecture Review  Local Area Network (LAN) Connect computers in short distance E.g. a flat, a lab, a building  Wide Area Network (WAN) Connect computers is longer distance For a LAN connected to WAN  Router / gateway serve as postman to collect outgoing and distribute incoming message to each computer in LAN.

6 Lecture Review  Internet protocol (IP) Standard format stating computer address  4-byte long  E.g. All computers in WAN on the network has a unique IP address Messages send to router  router will change the address on the message according its routing table and distribute

7 Lecture Review  Transmission control protocol (TCP) Standard language between computer and computer A message divided into IP packets (like words) Ensure no misunderstanding  Check for packet lost  Request for lost packet  Remove duplicated packet

8 Lecture  Domain name system (DNS) Translate IP address to human understandable address E.g. = “ ”  Firewall software filter to prevent harmful messages from reaching a LAN

9 Lab Notes  Spreadsheet sheet of paper with rows and columns application software like a physical spreadsheet to help dealing with data  CSV Files (Comma Separated Value) text file which contain rows of values Each values in a row is separated by “, ”  Cell A unit in a spreadsheet

10 Lab 2  Follow the steps in lab 2 Notes for using excel functions  Remember to add =, if u type in the formula

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