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12 CO(1-0) emission in the Magellanic Clouds, according to Mopra (Also starring the Magellanic Bridge…) Erik Muller ATNF/CSIRO Collaborators so far: Juergen.

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Presentation on theme: "12 CO(1-0) emission in the Magellanic Clouds, according to Mopra (Also starring the Magellanic Bridge…) Erik Muller ATNF/CSIRO Collaborators so far: Juergen."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 CO(1-0) emission in the Magellanic Clouds, according to Mopra (Also starring the Magellanic Bridge…) Erik Muller ATNF/CSIRO Collaborators so far: Juergen Ott (PI, ATNF), Annie Hughes (Swinburne), Tony Wong (ATNF/UNSW), Jorge Pineda (Bonn) and more.

2 Why CO in the Mag. Clouds? ► 12 CO(1-0) is a tracer for lower-density molecular gas - signpost for SF. ► MCs are nearby (50-60 kpc) & have very low metallicities  (LMC=0.5 Z sol, SMC = 0.1 Z sol ),  Emulate conditions as they were in the early universe?

3 Technical… ► Observation strategy:  Observe ~5x5 amin region in OTF mode (RA - direction) ► CO(1-0) (115.271 GHz) ► ~1.75 hrs per area  BW~64 MHz  ΔV = ~0.16 Km/s  RMS~0.4 K (before smoothing) ► Tsys @115 GHz ~>400 K

4 SMC: SW SF region. Spitzer data: Bolatto et al. 2005 (Priv. Comm)

5 SMC: CO according to NANTEN Nanten 12 CO(1-0) overlaid on SERC-J. Mizuno et al, 2001 N84 N27 N66 N12

6 CO SMC: 12 CO(1-0) CO + NANTEN Rubio et al, 1993a, 1993b,1996 Latest result, smoothed to 90 asec, rebinned in velocity to ~0.5km/s, 3sig clip.

7 CO SMC: 12 CO(1-0) N27/LIRS 49N12/LIRS 36 N25/26 N21/23 Latest result, smoothed to 90 asec, rebinned in velocity to ~0.5km/s, 3sig clip. ?? SMC B1#1 Data is ‘first pass’ only. Very noisy! Only three peaks appear where I CO >5sig! Need deeper observations…

8 SMC: 12 CO(1-0) Rubio et al, 1993a, 1993b, 1996 (θ~43 ” ) MX002 (θ~25 ” ) - fit by eye. - fit by eye. LIRS 49 V=114.6, ΔV=5.2, Tmb=1.99 I CO =11.0, R c ~16.7 pc M VIR =8.9 10 4 (M sol ) * V=115, ΔV=~4±1.6, Tmb=~1.6±0.4,. I CO =6.4±3, R c ~13 M VIR ~5.2x10 4 (M sol ) (!) LIRS 36 V=126.1, ΔV=3.4, Tmb=2.32 I CO =8.45, R c ~18.6 M VIR =1.2 10 5 (M sol ) * V=126, ΔV=3 ±1.6, Tmb=2.23 ±0.4 I CO =6.7 ± 4, R c ~ 15 pc M VIR ~3.3x10 4 (M sol ) (!) New Mopra Results are generally consistent with the literature. “Clumpfind” does not perform well with noisy data. Using alternatives…

9 SMC: 12 CO(1-0), H I CO N27/LIRS 49 N12/LIRS 36 N25/26 N21/23 ?? SMC B1#1 H I (1/25) CO

10 APEX, high order transitions of CO (4-3) Comparable resolutions to Mopra ASTE observations are underway (U Nagoya) SMC: ASTE/APEX Contours: APEX CO(4-3) transition. Background image: 2MASS J band – (UMASS/IPAC)

11 I CO, T mb are much lower for SMC than for LMC (can be x ~10!) Cloud radii are much smaller in SMC than for LMC More exact quantifiction of ‘much smaller’ pending less noisy results ~R lmc /R smc ~2-3 for brightest clouds). ΔV lmc / ΔV smc ~2 Mvir lmc /Mvir smc ~ 8-12 (or more..) LMC, SMC: 12 CO(1-0)

12 HαHα SMC: CO, Hα CO N27/LIRS 49N12/LIRS 36 N25/26 N21/23


14 SMC. Where to with Mopra? Continue to fully sample SW area with Mopra? Multi wavelength obs for N88/N66 ? ASTE @ CO(3-2) has comparable resolution to Mopra @ CO(1-0) Other regions in SMC? Existing CO(1-0) (and (2-1)) data for N66 are small field and mostly under sampled Dense core tracers (or ATCA? E.g. Muller+Ott in prep. HCO+, HCN)

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