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10/8/031 Jeremy McCormick, Sergey Uzunyan, Guilherme Lima, et al LCD Computing Setup Server Specs and Setup Desktop Cluster Organization Physics Software.

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Presentation on theme: "10/8/031 Jeremy McCormick, Sergey Uzunyan, Guilherme Lima, et al LCD Computing Setup Server Specs and Setup Desktop Cluster Organization Physics Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/8/031 Jeremy McCormick, Sergey Uzunyan, Guilherme Lima, et al LCD Computing Setup Server Specs and Setup Desktop Cluster Organization Physics Software Distribution Plans and Schemes

2 10/8/032 Server Hardware Specs Dual-CPU Athlon: 2.133 GHz 2 Gb RAM HD: 1 master disk, 1 secondary, 4 RAID ~1 TB total storage

3 10/8/033 Server Configuration Red Hat 9 kernel 2.4.20-13.9smp hostname k2 IP accessible via SSH

4 10/8/034 Server Filesystem FilesystemSizeMountDescription /dev/hda113 G/root fs /dev/hda319G/homehome dirs /dev/hdb2185G/k2bkpbackup disk /dev/lcd/k2dist9.9G/k2distphysics distribution /dev/lcd/k2work145G/k2workproject work dirs /dev/raid0/lcd_data734G/k2dataproject data

5 10/8/035 Conceptual Diagram

6 10/8/036 NFS Structure MountDescription /k2distphysics software distribution /k2bkpbackup /home/$USERNAMEuser home directory /k2work/$USERNAMEproject work directory /k2data/$USERNAMEproject data /sdisk/$MACHINEworkstation shared disks

7 10/8/037 Physics Software Distribution simulation, analysis & event generation shared binaries, libraries, scripts, includes, etc. usable from any node in desktop cluster common environment & setup scripts /k2work/$USERNAME application builds possible /k2dist isolates physics apps from Linux fs

8 10/8/038 /k2dist directory structure DirectoryDescriptionContains apps applicationsdirectory tree with packages, libs, binaries binexecutablesshell scripts, binaries, symlinks to binaries configconfiguration infocurrently contains node list docdocumentationapplication docs (pdf, html, ps, etc.) includesource includessymlinks to include dirs install_filesinstallation filesinstall packages (tar.gz) in dirs liblibrariessymlinks to libraries

9 10/8/039 /k2dist/apps Analysis jas, root Event Generation pandora-pythia, peg Libraries aida, boost, cernlib, clhep, freehep, g4phys, geant4, lcio, Mesa, pegs4, xml4c Simulation lcdg4, mokka, tbeam Utilities david, dawn

10 10/8/0310 Useful /k2dist/bin Scripts project env add. /k2dist/ to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.cshrc application env setup java vars, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc. included by Geant4 env vars included by print node names, IPs, host ex. = for n in ` hn`; do ping $n done

11 10/8/0311 Simple Remote Job # set project environment. /k2dist/bin/ # run job nohup testbeam -m /k2work/jeremy/run10.mac -o /k2data/jeremy/tb-test.txt &> /k2work/jeremy/tb-test.log & start job on node dvk [jeremy@lepton-physics jeremy]$ ssh rio /k2work/jeremy/ get pid [jeremy@lepton-physics jeremy]$ ssh rio pgrep testbeam 22742 kill the job [jeremy@lepton-physics jeremy]$ ssh rio kill 22742

12 10/8/0312 k2 + Desktop Cluster new user setup common development platform “standard” NICADD physics apps no more desktop installs ample storage area shared datasets centralized authentication distributed computing

13 10/8/0313 Plans and Schemes no more development on nicadd & individual desktops setup & packaging scripts migrate SIO-Server batch computing (fbs, pbs) physics software packages framework applications add more cluster nodes world hegemony (or at least Western hemisphere)

14 10/8/0314 K2 says “Hello”

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