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T-527 Fall 2005 Developing Curriculum for Deep Learning How is understanding developed? Performances of Understanding using multiple intelligences 3 November.

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Presentation on theme: "T-527 Fall 2005 Developing Curriculum for Deep Learning How is understanding developed? Performances of Understanding using multiple intelligences 3 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-527 Fall 2005 Developing Curriculum for Deep Learning How is understanding developed? Performances of Understanding using multiple intelligences 3 November 2005

2 T-527 Fall 2005 Goals for today Understand how to clarify/revise goals so they really focus on understanding big ideas in multiple dimensions Understand how to design performances that help learners ramp up their understanding of target goals through a coherent, challenging, accessible sequence of activities: introductory, guided, culminating Understand how to use readings, rubric, Shamsa’s case, classmates’ projects to reflect on your own understanding and request and provide constructive feedback Understand how to apply new technologies to foster understanding

3 T-527 Fall 2005 Activities for today Analyze how to revise goals to focus on understanding Discuss readings to clarify criteria for effective learning activities/performances of understanding Consult about your own project: use the rubric to assess goals and begin to plan learning activities Colleagues share useful resources Mid-course assessment

4 T-527 Fall 2005 Effective Learning Activities Teaching for Understanding: Performances of Understanding –Develop and demonstrate understanding of target goals –Require active learning and creative thinking –Build through coherent, challenging, accessible performances: introductory, guided, culminating –Include a rich range of entry points, level of difficulty, multiple intelligences –Provide multiple opportunities for assessment and feedback

5 T-527 Fall 2005 Using technologies to enrich Performances of Understanding Multiple Intelligences Theory Universal Design Mindtools Represent ideas in multiple ways to engage learners Allow learners to use multiple intelligences to access, analyze, and express information and ideas Enable learners to choose different pathways through material they are studying Provide scaffolding that learners can select and tailor to serve their needs Offer mindtools to engage and facilitate critical thinking and higher order thinking

6 T-527 Fall 2005 Consult on your projects How do your goals look in relation to the rubric? Plan learning activities with the rubric criteria in mind How might you use technologies to enrich performances of understanding?

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