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20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste Development of Algorithms Specification for the generation of a SMOS User Toolbox Short title: SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification (SUITS) Jérôme Benveniste ESA-ESRIN Earth Observation Science and Application Department
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste Previous experience with Envisat and GOCE shows the major role of a User Toolbox to boost the familiarisation and use of a Mission’s products and produce research results: –BEST (SAR, ASAR) –POLSARPRO (Polarized SAR) –BEAM (MERIS, (A)ATSR extended to MODIS –BEAT (Envisat Atmospheric chemistry) –BRAT (Basic Radar Altimeter Toolbox) Just released: see or –GUT (GOCE User Toolbox - extension to oceanography and more, in construction) Need of a SMOS User Toolbox?
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste The usefulness in a User Toolbox lies in the ability to –Ingest and visualize SMOS products, –compute self-designed variations, customisations, enhancements to the ESA products re-sample, re-grid, filter, smooth, change map projection, compute local error covariance, error maps –provide auxiliary and in-situ data not imported in the SMOS products The toolbox is also the berth of didactic material: a Tutorial on Soil Moisture, Ocean Salinity, Snow Cover and on SMOS Mission and Products Need of a SMOS User Toolbox?
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste Two phase approach 1)Consolidate the User Requirements, write processing algorithms and input-output Specs, draft a Toolbox architecture -- By scientists –This is “Phase One”: “SUITS” 2) Detailed design, integration of existing code, coding and testing -- by SW company + beta testing by scientists –This will be initiated as “Phase Two”: “SUIT” User Toolbox Development Approach
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste First Phase: SUITS SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification Tasks to be performed –Task 1: User Requirement Consolidation Covering Oceanography, Land and Cryosphere –Task 2: Processing Algorithm Scientific Trade Off Study (+ collection and analysis of reusable code) –Task 3: Toolbox System Documentation
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste Consolidate the User needs (Toolbox User requirements), –Which SMOS products, from which other missions (e.g. Aquarius, Hydros, …) and which auxiliary data are to be ingested? –Which functions are needed to support which user community (Oceanography, coastal areas, Cryosphere, Land, Hydrology, …)? –Which type of data are to be output (e.g. same geophysical parameters as in L2 products but after instrumental corrections, or re-sampled, or temporally accumulated?) Task 1: User Requirement Consolidation
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste Task 2: Scientific Trade Off Study A trade off study is needed to select the best (accuracy, CPU time…) algorithms to compute the variables listed in the user requirement doc. Task: Carry out a scientific trade off study (in view of selecting the toolbox processing and viewing functions): –Basic processing functions (e.g. statistical analysis of SM temporal evolution for climate studies, ) –Specific processing functions (e.g. daily temporal evolution over an area (land), or different space-temporal averaging over oceans, assimilation of SM fields to estimate root zone soil moisture for meteorology applications, …) –Basic viewing functions (e.g. SM or SSS global/regional maps or profiles along a transect, …) Collect and analyse exising software that ca be integrated in the Toolbox
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste Task 3: Toolbox System Documentation Produce a Toolbox Documentation :- 1)Input (incl. aux. data) / output (visu, SM and SSS variants, error maps) specification document, 2)an algorithm specification document 3)architectural design document mapping the required functionality and interfaces. 4)Provide a summary study report with scope of tutorial for future toolbox user These 4 documents will be the input to the Toolbox implementation contract.
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste A Science Working Consortium to Build the toolbox SMOS Toolbox development approach should be similar to the GUTS approach: –The consortium is an Open Science Working Group –Open to any further membership Core working group producing the deliverables (contracted by ESA) Observers-reviewers (can hold non-member States scientists) –Open to all donators of existing source code libraries Quite numerous in the case of GUTS –3 Working Group meetings will be organised during the duration of the study Workshop at kick off, mid term and final Open to all: Core working group and Observers-reviewers as well as any future users or would-be working group members
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste Toolbox Implementation Approach The Basic Radar Altimeter Toolbox has re-used building blocks of BEAT –Data I/O libraries (1 call to load products, usable in Matlab/IDL) –VISAT (GUI and Visualisation) –Python Open Source Language (custom evolutions by users) GUT will be an expansion of BRAT –Radar Altimetry already in BRAT –Many aux. files in common (MSS, Geoid) SUIT should strongly benefit from the BRAT + GUT developments both in terms of experience and building blocks re-use. SUIT shall reuse tools already developed for the GS by simply “packaging” them for public use.
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste SUITS/SUIT Procurement Two options for procurement: –Direct procurement with representative open science working group Scope for forming a unique consortium encompassing all scientists rather than select a fraction by competitive tender (can hold non-member state scientists) –Competitive tender limited to ESA member states (may be geo return limitation) May destroy the concept of an open working group. Required close links with ESL groups throughout development –Important not to miss correct knowledge of IPF algorithms and latest product evolutions –Advisable that ESL groups are active partners of the toolbox development. Funds (250K) will be requested in the EOP-SE Exploitation Plan, flagged for year 2007 –Need a strong Project Plan, clearly expressed User need and good justification to be granted these funds –Need to plan and justify the approach for SUITS follow-on SUIT ROM: SUITS 150K, SUIT 100K (TBD), re-use of BRAT and GUT elements
20th SMOS SAG 02-03 Nov 2006-- SMOS User Interactive Toolbox Specification -- J. Benveniste Write a Procurement Justification –Get it approved! SUIT is not a SMOS Project obligation! –But can be developed a part of the EO Data Exploitation Project to support PIs to boost the use of SMOS data products. Need to add user requirements and details on each “tool”. Need to survey all existing tools that can be “packaged” in the toolbox to make them available to the Users. SUITS/SUIT Procurement
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