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Autotrophs Algae and plants in ecosystems. “Are blue-green algae phytoplankton?” Phylogenetic Functional Functional: Plankton- freely floating, carried.

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Presentation on theme: "Autotrophs Algae and plants in ecosystems. “Are blue-green algae phytoplankton?” Phylogenetic Functional Functional: Plankton- freely floating, carried."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autotrophs Algae and plants in ecosystems

2 “Are blue-green algae phytoplankton?” Phylogenetic Functional Functional: Plankton- freely floating, carried along by currents. Can be motile e.g. Rooted aquatic plants are not planktonic Microscopic algae can be planktonic, those that are comprise the PHYTOPLANKTON. Phytoplankton are important in reservoirs and in water column of large rivers.

3 Periphyton- Microscopic algae growing on substrate (solid surface) Epiphytes- microscopic algae growing on macrophytes. Macrophytes- vascular (rooted) plants, mosses, liverworts, large colonial algal forms. Epilithon- layer of algae, bacteria, and mucilage covering substrate (rock surface).

4 KINGDOM- PHYLA- CLASS- ORDER Procaryotes (bacteria)- Blue-green algae: a.k.a. cyanobacteria, cyanophytes Eucaryotes (with organelles) Planktonic and benthic phyla: Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) Green algae a.k.a. chlorophytes, chlorophyceae example: Euglena sp. Planktonic phyla: Chrysophytes, Dinoflagellates, Cryptophytes



7 Diatoms- have silica frustules Patterns of valves: Planktonic- centric (radial) Benthic- Trellisoid (Eunotia) Gonoid (angular) Pennate (around center line) Pennate diatoms have a RAPHE or PSEUDORAPHE:with raphe diatoms move by gliding on a mucilage trail Terms: Epitheca, Hypotheca, Valve, Connecting Band

8 SEM of valve of Pennate Diatom

9 Asterionela formosa - pennate planktonic chain forming diatom (Common Weed Spp)

10 Didymosphenia from Deer Creek - Benthic diatom from alpine Stream in Colorado

11 Pennate Diatom

12 Common marine pennate Diatom - Chaetocerous sp

13 (On the Right)Common marine pennate Diatom - Chaetocerous sp (on the left is a centric diatom)

14 Small Benthic diatom - Nitzschia palea


16 Colonial chlorophyte (planktonic)- Pediastrum spp.

17 Colonial chlorophyte (planktonic)


19 Colonial chlorophyte (planktonic)


21 Anabeana floa-aquae(planktonic)

22 Anabeana colony - with heterotrophic ciliates(clear) attached to the colony.

23 Anabeana colony - closeup

24 Anabeana cylindrica - with heterocysts (N2 fixation occurs in specialized cells)

25 Anabeana cylindrica - with akinetes(resting cells). Could be planktonic or benthic

26 Common benthic filamentous cyanobacteria Nostoc nuscorum - filaments packed in mucilage - occurs attached to rocks in flaps

27 Common benthic filamentous cyanobacteria Nostoc nuscorum - closeup

28 Freshwater dinoflagellate - planktonic Ceratium hirunindella

29 Freshwater dinoflagellate - planktonic Ceratium hirunindella

30 Freshwater dinoflagellate - Gonyalax spp

31 Stained dinoflagellate

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