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Chris Wilson and David L. Dill Computer Systems Laboratory Stanford University June, 2000 Reliable Verification Using Symbolic Simulation with Scalar Values.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Wilson and David L. Dill Computer Systems Laboratory Stanford University June, 2000 Reliable Verification Using Symbolic Simulation with Scalar Values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Wilson and David L. Dill Computer Systems Laboratory Stanford University June, 2000 Reliable Verification Using Symbolic Simulation with Scalar Values

2 Verification Bottleneck time Bug rate Many “easy” fewer “hard” Directed testing Random testing “purgatory” tapeout

3 Current Approach time Bug rate Directed testing random testing Model checking emulation semi-formal methods

4 Our Approach time Bug rate Key issue: Reliability! Symbolic simulation

5 Reliability Definition:  Always gives some coverage when resource limits encountered.  Gives coverage proportional to effort. Ease of use  predictable coverage  useful feedback  easy to debug

6 Efficiency Efficiency = Coverage/Unit Effort Coverage  specified functionality  “input space” Effort  manpower  computer resource usage  schedule

7 Reliability vs. Efficiency Reliability Efficiency Directed testing Random testing Emulation Model Checking % of bugs found

8 Goal Have the reliability, ease of use of directed testing. AND… efficiency equal or greater than random testing.

9 Reliability vs. Efficiency Reliability Efficiency Directed testing Random testing Emulation Model Checking Target area

10 Symbolic test = directed test with symbolic values 23 408 0 5 0 Symbolic Simulation datain address interrupt dataout DUT req valid request = counter 0101 “read” “write” =0 pass/ fail dly

11 Symbolic Simulation Efficiency  1 symbolic test many directed tests. Ease of use  short tests => easy to write, debug. Blow up?  BDDs too unpredictable. How to prevent blow up?

12 Quasi-symbolic simulation Symbolic simulation externally scalar values internally  simulation run requires constant memory. Key ideas  Don’t compute exact value unless necessary. many don’t cares in large designs.  Trade time for memory. Multiple runs to generate exact values.

13 Don’t care logic Basic Algorithm & & & & X a a X b b X c c Symbolic variable X -a X a a 0 Obeys law of excluded middle! X Conservative approximation X X X “traditional” X value 0 Don’t care variables

14 Decision Procedure X a a X b b X X X & O O

15 Davis-Putnam Algorithm Tree Search…  Davis, Logemann, Loveland [DPLL62]. X a=0 a=1 X b=0 b=1 0 0 X 0 evaluate case split unit propagate

16 Decision Procedure X ? a=0 a=1 Variable selection heuristic: pick relevant variable by propagating from inputs. & & O X a a X b b X X X 0 0 0 X b b 0 1 0 X b b 0 ? 0 Test is Unsatisfiable!

17 Reactivity Reactive Test  test behavior depends on circuit. Most tests require reactivity  since goal is to find all bugs…  must support reactivity efficiently.

18 Reactivity example Set ‘request’ = READ; Set ‘reqv’ = “1”; wait for ‘ack’; check that ‘data’ = expected_data; stop;

19 Reactivity example Set ‘request’ = READ; Set ‘reqv’ = “1”; wait for ‘ack’; check that ‘data’ = expected_data; stop; What if ‘ack’ = “X”?

20 Wait Statement Set ‘request’ = READ; Set ‘reqv’ = “1”; wait for ‘ack’; check that ‘data’ = expected_data; stop; wait for ‘ack’ == “1”; ‘ack’ == F = “X” ‘ack’ == T = “X” Virtual thread

21 wait for ‘ack’; Cycle 2 check that ‘data’ = expected_data; stop; ‘ack’ == T = “X” wait for ‘ack’; ‘ack’ == F = “X”

22 Stopping check that ‘data’ = expected_data; stop; Guard = “X” Stop? or not stop?

23 Modify Davis-Putnam... if guard condition = “X” when stopped…  prove that test can really stop in this cycle.  Case split on guard condition. case split on fail/pass condition only if stop = “1”. Stopping

24 Modify Davis-Putnam... if guard condition = “X” when stopped…  prove that test can really stop in this cycle.  Case split on guard condition. Do not allow unit propagation. case split on fail/pass condition only if stop = “1”.  Unit propagation is allowed. Disallowing unit propagation allows method to be complete.

25 Related Work BDD-based Symbolic Simulation  STE [BryantSeger95], Innologic. Sequential ATPG SAT/ATPG-based Model Checking  BMC [Biere99], [Boppana99] Other SAT-based Semi-Formal Methods  [Ganai99]

26 Experiments Show that quasi-symbolic simulation can find bugs.  Test case bugs do not cause bottlenecks. Demonstrate graceful degradation  get good coverage if simulation time limit hit.

27 Experiment 1 Write/debug testcase for “hard” bug.  140K gate industrial design.  Not found in simulation or bringup! Four possible results  SAT - test case error.  TIMEOUT - test case error (device timeout.)  UNSAT - no bug found.  BUG - bug found.

28 Experiment 1 SAT193.831.4 TIMEOUT221.649.0 UNSAT952.3445.9 BUG178863.0 casesevalstime(sec.)

29 Experiment 2 Time limit hit! Highest covered sub-node

30 Experiment 2 Number of dependent variables in the test Maximum tree size

31 Conclusions Want to find all bugs faster.  Reliability is key. Use quasi-symbolic simulation  has the efficiency of random testing.  And reliability of directed testing. Experiments show it can be used as primary verification method.

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