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Considering Ending Hunger after 10 years Last 10 years have reinforced role of 3 key factors in reducing poverty and hunger: Broad-based economic growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Considering Ending Hunger after 10 years Last 10 years have reinforced role of 3 key factors in reducing poverty and hunger: Broad-based economic growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Considering Ending Hunger after 10 years Last 10 years have reinforced role of 3 key factors in reducing poverty and hunger: Broad-based economic growth (usually led by strong exports) Education & Status of Women Technology


3 Economic Growth & Poverty Since 2006 Peru’s economy has grown by an average of 7%. Percent of Peruvians living below the poverty has fallen from 49% in 2004 to 35% in 2009. Between 2005-2010 Peru climbed 24 places in the UN Human Development Report.

4 Some of the Countries with the Highest Econ. Growth 2000-2010 Angola 10.4% (average GDP growth 2000-10, China 9.9% constant prices) Sierra Leone 9.2% Nigeria 8.4% Nigeria, Armenia & Kazakhstan 8.0% Mozambique 8% Ethiopia 7.7% India 7.2% Vietnam 7.1%

5 Some of the Countries with the Lowest Econ. Growth 2000-2010 Zimbabwe -4.6% Eritrea -0.3% Haiti -0.1% Ivory Coast 0.6% Germany & Japan 0.8%

6 Redistribution Does Not Work in Practice Cuba Venezuela Soviet Union China (under Mao) North Korea

7 Education and Status of Women

8 Scores of Studies have established the Role of Women’s Education With data from Brazil found that the following relation between mother’s education and preschool children’s malnutrition. Used height for age – stunting – reflects chronic malnutrition. Mother’s with <4 years of educ: 24.6% 4-7 years: 14.9% 8-10 years 12.5% 11 or more years: 2.8%

9 Success of Conditional Cash Transfers in Reducing Poverty/Hungry Programs aim to reduce poverty by making welfare payments conditional upon recipients’ actions. Criteria may include children attending school and/or regular visits to health clinics. Reduces both current and future poverty. Particularly popular in Latin America, where some 110 million benefit from such programs. Bolsa Familia & Oportunidades

10 Bolsa Familia in Brazil Reaches 11 million families; 46 million people. Very well targeted; 94% of benefits go to poorest 40% of population. Poor families with children receive $35/month. Conditional on children staying in school and getting regular health checks. Most of money goes to buying food & school supplies.

11 Oportunidades in Mexico Provides educational grants to poor families. Over 4 million families participate. Monthly grant is per child: $10.50/mo. for 3 rd grade, $58 for boys and $66 for girls in high school. All family members receive health care, with emphasis on preventive care.

12 continued Nutrition component: $15.50 for improved food consumption Nutritional supplements for children 4 months to 2 years, malnourished children, & pregnant & lactating mothers. IFPRI found for participants: Increased school enrollment More balanced diets. Receiving more medical attention

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