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MSD-II Project Review Modular Motion Tracking Sensors 1.

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Presentation on theme: "MSD-II Project Review Modular Motion Tracking Sensors 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSD-II Project Review Modular Motion Tracking Sensors 1

2 Agenda Current State Individual Team Member Status Budget Update Project Plan Updates Risk Assessment 2

3 Current State With the scope change, we have re-evaluated our risks, as well as our roles within the project. We have a complete project plan for MSD II as well as a work breakdown structure for each individual. We have a good handle on what error could occur with our project, and how to test for that error in our final design, as well as the steps to take if the error does occur. We are also be observing at the clinics to get a better handle on how we could improve our design. 3

4 Individual Team Members Status What are your personal responsibilities this quarter? What is your personal status? What are you working on over break? 4

5 Michael Ostertag, EE Responsibilities Establishing a regular contact at D3 for developing communication protocol Set up weekly meeting with Bernt and Evan to ensure smooth integration of the two projects Develop communication protocol Assemble circuitry Status Meeting with D3 today with Erik, Bernt, and Jahnavi Regular meetings have been setup and are working well for sharing information Circuitry is assembled and ready to being testing Work to Be Done Over Break Begin planning and implementing of the communication protocol based upon meeting with D3 5

6 Andrei Stihi, ME Responsibilities Attachment methods Build enclosure and mount circuits Complete attachment design Test rig schematics and building Status Basic enclosure built and circuits mounted. Enclosure still needs finishing touches. Test rig basics completed. Still need to acquire protractors. Methods of attachment found, need to make final group decision on which one to use. Work to Be Done Over Break Get final materials needed to finalize enclosure, test rig, and attachments. 6

7 Maya Ramaswamy, ISE Responsibilities Project Organization Lead: Revise and update project plan Set agenda and lead group meeting every week Order all remaining parts Assist with Ergonomics and Attachment: Developing test plans for attachment method Finding standards for force testing Assist rest of team: Will begin observing gait patients at Nazareth clinic Work to Be Done Over Break Work on technical paper, specifically attachment methods section Continue researching usability testing standards 7

8 Brittany Bochette, EE Responsibilities Benchmark devices and come up with recommendations for next year’s team. Research existing applications for motion tracking systems Observe at Dr. Barbano/Dr. Mowder clinics Create the math and algorithms needed to get the correct measurements from the device Status Benchmarking completed – Have to make up document for future teams Observed at Barbano’s clinic for two weeks Met with Sahin multiple times to go over math, still needs to be addressed over break Blurbs on benchmarking on EDGE completed Work to Be Done Over Break Start working on technical paper and poster Finish benchmarking document Read more on mathematics needed to completely understand Write up observations from Barbano’s clinic and put it on EDGE 8

9 Lindsey Clark, EE Responsibilities Research competitive benchmarking for future sensors Research past motion tracking sensors Observing at Dr. Barbano’s clinic Creating needed math and algorithms Status Benchmarking is completed – links posted on edge with summaries Multiple visits to Dr. Barbano’s clinic Met with Dr. Sahin to discuss needed math and algorithms Work to Be Done Over Break Begin work on technical paper Complete document and house of quality with information gathered during benchmarking for future teams 9

10 10

11 Project Plan Comparison Informal reviews weekly Formal reviews and revisions every few weeks Members followed general task lists well Had trouble adding very specific tasks to plan 11

12 Risk Assessment Addressed Through Usability Testing: – Device does not attach securely – Attachment does not fit patient – Attachment is not comfortable – Parts do not come in on-time – Cannot test sensors until the base unit develops a prototype – Device is not accurate enough – Cannot sanitize device 12

13 Risk Assessment Plan to Address: – Parts do not come in on-time – Cannot test sensors until the base unit develops a prototype – Device is not accurate enough – Cannot sanitize device Not yet addressed risks: – Parts cannot be obtained – Device is not reliable enough – Device is too fragile – Sensors cannot fit within enclosure 13

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