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Who are the players Why do we see more fish where there are phytoplankton blooms?

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Presentation on theme: "Who are the players Why do we see more fish where there are phytoplankton blooms?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who are the players Why do we see more fish where there are phytoplankton blooms?

2 What are phytoplankton?

3 What kinds are there? –By size (small first). –1/millionth of a meter –Prochlorococcus & Synechoccus –Small Green Dots rule! Where do they rule?

4 Where do they dominate? Half of PP in low nutrient ocean!

5 Where do they dominate? Half of PP in low nutrient ocean!

6 Larger guys. 1/10000 or so of a meter. Diatoms and their ilk

7 Pretty

8 Dinoflagellates (also big)

9 Big Phytos can bloom!

10 Why can the big guys bloom?

11 Copepod life cycle is long and complicated!

12 Big Phytos can bloom before they are eaten

13 How do we know about ocean phytoplankton? For each method that follows, remember the flaw…

14 Nets

15 Satellite observations

16 Filter’s

17 DNA/Gene Chip



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