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1 Overview of gLite Middleware Esther Montes Prado CIEMAT 10 th EELA Tutorial Madrid, 7.5.2007.

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1 1 Overview of gLite Middleware Esther Montes Prado CIEMAT 10 th EELA Tutorial Madrid, 7.5.2007

2 2EGEE / EELA / EuMedGrid Joint Grid Tutorial New! Outline 1.Introduction 2.Overview of gLite services 3.Summary and conclusions 4. = New in gLite 3.0

3 3 Introduction: the Grid goals The Grid connects Instruments, Computer Centres, Scientists If the Web is able to share information, the Grid is intended to share computing power and storage

4 4 UI CE RB/BDII SE WN LFC Connections to UI Resources Searching Sent to the batch system Distribution to CPUs Ouputs copied to Storage Resources Catalogs getting track of the inputs The Actors and their interconnections

5 5 Introduction: Grid Middleware Grid Middleware: layer between user applications and grid resources Grid Middlware should:  Find convenient places for applications to be run  Optimise use of resources  Organise efficient access to data  Deal with authentication to the different sites that are used  Run the job & monitor progress  Recover from problems  Transfer the result back to the scientists

6 6 Introduction: Virtual Organisations The users of a Grid infraestructure are divided into Virtual Organisations (VOs). VOs are abstracts entities grouping users, institutions and resources in the same administrative domain. The EGEE VOs correspond to real organisations or projects: LHC experiments, the community of biomedical researchers, etc.

7 7 6 High Level Services + CLI & API Legend: Available Foreseen in the architecture (only Job Provenance will be available by the end of EGEE-II) gLite Services Decomposition

8 8 Applications have access both to Higher-level Grid Services and to Foundation Grid Middleware Higher-Level Grid Services are supposed to help the users building their computing infrastructure but should not be mandatory Foundation Grid Middleware will be deployed on the EGEE infrastructure  Must be complete and robust  Should allow interoperation with other major grid infrastructures  Should not assume the use of Higher-Level Grid Services New! Middleware structure Overview paper

9 9 Authentication based on X.509 PKI infrastructure  Certificate Authorities (CA) issue (long lived) certificates identifying individuals (much like a passport)  Commonly used in web browsers to authenticate to sites  Trust between CAs and sites is established (offline)  In order to reduce vulnerability, on the Grid user identification is done by using (short lived) proxies of their certificates Proxies can  Be delegated to a service such that it can act on the user’s behalf  Include additional attributes (like VO information via the VO Membership Service - VOMS)  Be stored in an external proxy store (MyProxy)  Be renewed (in case they are about to expire) Grid Foundation: Security

10 10 Authentication  User receives certificate signed by CA  Connects to “UI” by ssh  Downloads certificate  Single logon to Grid – create proxy - then Grid Security Infrastructure identifies user to other machines Authorisation  User joins Virtual Organisation  VO negotiates access to Grid nodes and resources  Authorisation tested by CE  grid-mapfile maps user to local account UI AUP VO mgr Personal/once VO database grid-mapfiles on Grid services GSI VO service Daily update CA 1. 3. 2. AuthN and AuthZ: pre-VOMS

11 11 Before VOMS User is authorised as a member of a single VO All VO members have same rights Gridmapfiles are updated by VO management software: map the user’s DN to a local account grid-proxy-init – derives proxy from certificate – the “single sign-on to the grid” VOMS User can be in multiple VOs  Aggregate rights VO can have groups  Different rights for each  Different groups of experimentalists  …  Nested groups VO has roles  Assigned to specific purposes  E,g. system admin  When assume this role Proxy certificate carries the additional attributes voms-proxy-init In gLite only VOMS is used Evolution of VO management in gLite

12 12 Virtual Organization Membership Service:  Extends the proxy with info on VO membership, group, roles  Fully compatible with GSI  Each VO has a database containing group membership, roles and capabilities information for each user  User contacts VOMS server requesting his authorization info  Server sends authorization info to the client, which includes it in a proxy certificate [glite-tutor] /home/giorgio > voms-proxy-init --voms gilda Cannot find file or dir: /home/giorgio/.glite/vomses Your identity: /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=INFN/CN=Emidio Giorgio/ Enter GRID pass phrase: Your proxy is valid until Mon Jan 30 23:35:51 2006 Creating temporary proxy.................................Done Contacting [/C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Host/L=INFN Catania/] "gilda" Creating proxy...................................... Done Your proxy is valid until Mon Jan 30 23:35:51 2006 Query Authentication Request Auth DB C=IT/O=INFN /L=CNAF /CN=Pinco Palla /CN=proxy VOMS AC VOMS: concepts

13 13 Grid Foundation: Information Systems Provide information about Grid resources and their status. This information is essential for the operation of the whole Grid, as it is via IS that the resources are discovered. The published information is also used for monitoring and accounting purposes. Two different approaches:  Berkeley DB Information Index (BDII)  Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture (R-GMA)

14 14 Berkeley DB Information Index SE Local GRIS SE Local GRIS CE Local GRIS SE Local GRIS CE Local GRIS CE Local GRIS CE Local GRIS SE Local GRIS CE Local GRIS CE Site GIIS CE Site GIIS CE Site GIIS BDII-A BDII-B User Application WMS Monitoring Services Extension of Globus MDS adopted in LCG has the information provider Information hierarchically distribuited, following a GLUE eschema MDS implements the GLUE schema following OpenLDAP

15 15 R-Grid Monitoring Architecture Based on the GMA from the Global Grid Forum (GGF, now OGF) Provides a uniform method to access and publish distributed information and monitoring data  Used for job and infrastructure monitoring in gLite 3.0  Information provided by Publish and Consuming mechanism  Appearance of a single federated DB to query with SQL (each VO as one VDB)

16 16 Grid foundation: Computing Element A CE refer to a set of computational resources (cluster, computing farm, etc.):  CE Aceptance (CEA): generic interface to cluster. Includes the functionality of a site Gatekeeper  LRMS (batch system): Condor, OpenPBS, Torque/Maui, LSF  The cluster itself: Worker Nodes (WNs)  CE Monitor (CEMon): deals with notifications about CE status, requests jobs to WMS (pull mode) Client MON LRMS WNs CEA JC For job submission, CE is able to work in pull or in push mode CE resoponsible to collect accounting info.

17 17 Grid foundation: Computing Element Two Gatekeeper implementations in gLite-3.0:  LCG-CE:  Developed by EDG and adopted as LCG-2 CE  Gatekeeper based on pre-WS GRAM (Globus Toolkit 2)  gLite-CE:  Deployed for the first time en gLite-3.0 (testing)  Exploits new Globus gatekeeper, but Job Manager based on GSI enabled Condor-C  More efficient, uses BLAH protocol New!

18 18 Accounting services accumulates information about resources usage done by users or group of users (VOs) APEL (Accouting using PBS Event Logging): Uses R- GMA to propagate and display job accounting information for infrastructure monitoring  Reads LRMS log files provided by gLite-CE. DGAS (Distributed Grid Accounting System): Collects, stores and transfers accounting data. Compliant with privacy requirements  Reads LRMS log files provided by LCG-CE.  Stores information in a site database (HLR) and optionally in a central HLR. Access granted to user, site and VO administrators  Not yet certified in gLite 3.0. New! Grid foundation: Accounting

19 19 Grid foundation: Storage Element A SE provides uniform access to data storage resources (disk servers, tape based MSS, etc.). Common Interface: Storage Resource Management System (SRM). Various implementations from LCG and other projects (DPM, CASTOR, dCache) GridFTP (GSI enabled FTP) is the protocol for the whole-file transfers. POSIX like client file access through GFAL libraries (Grid File Access Library). TypeResourcesFile TransferRemote File I/OSRM Classic SEDisk serverGSIFTPInsercure RFIONO DPMDisk PoolGSIFTPSecure RFIOYES dCacheDisk Pool/MSSGSIFTPgsidcapYES CASTORMSSGSIFTPInsercure RFIOYES

20 20 High Level Services: Catalogs Data stored in different locations – in most cases there is no shared file system or common name space. File and Replica Catalogs:  Keep track of the location of copies (replicas) of Grid files  Store information about data and metadata that is being operated on in the Grid  Grid Catalogs are used to manage Grid file namespaces and location of files, to store and retrieve metadata and to keep authorization info of the files

21 21 LCG File Catalog (LFC) from LCG:  Store location(s) of files and replicas  LFC will maps LFNs or GUIDs to SURLs of files  Integrated GSI Authorization + Authentication, CLIs and APIs: all operations require a valid proxy  LFC supports Oracle and MySQL as database backends AMGA Metadata Catalog:  generic metadata catalogue  Used mainly by Biomed  Not yet certified in gLite 3.0. Certification will start soon. New! High Level Services: Catalogs

22 22 FTS: Reliable, scalable and customizable file transfer  Scheduled file transfers – submit a job  Manages transfers through channels  mono-directional network pipes between two sites  Web service interface  Automatic discovery of services  Support for different user and administrative roles  Adding support for pre-staging and new proxy renewal schema  In the medium term add support for SRMv2, delegation, VOMS-aware proxy renewal New! High Level Services: File transfer

23 23 High Level Services: Workload Mgmt. Workload Management System (WMS) helps users accesing computing resources:  Resource brokering: accepts user jobs, assigns them to the appropriate CE, records their status and retrieves their output  Management of job input/output files  The Resource Broker (RB) is the machine where the WMS services run Two WMS implementations in gLite 3.0:  LCG-2 RB: GT2 + CondorG (from EDG)  To be replace when gLite WMS proves to be reliable  gLite WMS: Web Service (WMProxy) + CondorG  Deployed for the first time in gLite 3.0  Management of complex workflows (DAGs) and compound jobs New!

24 24 Logging and Bookkeeping service:  Tracks jobs managed by the WMS during their lifetime (in terms of events)  Collects events from many WMS components and records the status and history of the jobs  L&B API and CLI to query jobs  Support for “CE reputability ranking“: maintains recent statistics of job failures at CE’s and feeds back to WMS to aid planning Job Provenance: stores long term job information  Supports job rerun  If deployed will also help unloading the L&B  Not yet certified in gLite 3.0. New! High Level Services: Job Information

25 25 UI JDL Logging & Book-keeping ResourceBroker Job Submission ServiceStorageElementComputingElement InformationService Job Status LFCCatalog DataSets info Author. &Authen. Job Submit Event Job Query Job Status Input “sandbox” Input “sandbox” + Broker Info Globus RSL Output “sandbox” Job Status Publish voms-proxy-init Expanded JDL SE & CE info Job Workflow in gLite

26 26 UI JDL Logging & Book-keeping ResourceBroker Job Submission ServiceStorageElementComputingElement InformationService Job Status LFCCatalog DataSets info Author. &Authen. Job Submit Event Job Query Job Status Input “sandbox” Input “sandbox” + Broker Info Globus RSL Output “sandbox” Job Status Publish voms-proxy-init Expanded JDL SE & CE info Job Workflow in gLite

27 27 Summary gLite is the next generation middleware for Grid Computing:  gLite 3.0 is an important milestone in EGEE-II  Exploits experience and existing components from VDT (Condor, Globus), EDG/LCG, AliEn and other projects.  Last release, gLite 3.0, includes LCG-2.7.0  Develops a ligthweight stack of generic middleware useful to EGEE applications (HEP and biomedic are pilots applications)  New components deployed for the first time on the Production Infrastructure  Collaboration with other projects for interoperability and definition/adoption of international standards

28 28 Web site: http://www.glite.org Architecture and design documents: http://egee- http://egee- General documentation: tation/ tation/ References

29 Edificio Bronce Plaza Manuel Gómez Moreno s/n 28020 Madrid. España Tel.: 91 212 76 20 / 25 Fax: 91 212 76 35 29 Questions?

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