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“Something Fishy” Ricardo Tangali & Niels Rietkerk.

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Presentation on theme: "“Something Fishy” Ricardo Tangali & Niels Rietkerk."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Something Fishy” Ricardo Tangali & Niels Rietkerk

2 Our goal: To create a 3d version of the game “Something Fishy”. ( Basic idea: You are controlling Walter, a very small fish who is very anxious to grow! It’s up to you to help him. You do this by directing him towards the smaller fish, which he can eat to make him grow, but watch out for the bigger fish!

3 Technical issues: - how to control Walter - how to control the other fish - how to keep track of the player’s score - where to create new fish after they have been eaten Interface: We plan on building something similar to the original game. The user will have Walter swimming some distance ahead of him. He will be able to move Walter in every possible direction. We have planned on making a nice world for the game, but, getting it to work has the highest priority.

4 Questions?

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