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Mesoscale Processes and Severe Convective Weather Section 3.5 a,b Richard H. Johnson and Brian E. Mapes Presented to you by: Elizabeth Polito.

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Presentation on theme: "Mesoscale Processes and Severe Convective Weather Section 3.5 a,b Richard H. Johnson and Brian E. Mapes Presented to you by: Elizabeth Polito."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mesoscale Processes and Severe Convective Weather Section 3.5 a,b Richard H. Johnson and Brian E. Mapes Presented to you by: Elizabeth Polito

2 Talk Overview Storm-Generated Mesoscale Processes –Local Effects –Advective Effects Examine/breakdown 6 schematics

3 Storm-Generated Mesoscale Processes Encourage storm development, severity, longevity –Cold pool lifting –Vortex tilting/stretching Weaken Storm –Rapid spreading of cold pools –Cloud shading Discuss processes in terms of being local or advective

4 Storm-Generated Mesoscale Processes Terrance will discuss these processes

5 Local Effects Radiation –Timescales ~1-2 h - not important in evolution but maybe in new development ~6-12 h - MCSs timescale: cloud-radiative interactions aid in longevity (through mass circulation build up) –Increase total precipitation Microphysical Processes (phase changes or particle evolution) –Cold pool production –MCSs –Microbursts

6 Cold Pools Downdraft outflows –FFD/RFD Advective Effects: Cold Pools

7 Tornado family formation Advective Effects

8 Advective Effects: Advection of Condensate

9 Note vertically sheared environment –Vertical vorticity couplets Advective Effects: Vortex Tilting



12 Advective Effects: Vortex Tilting Example: Bow Echo

13 Takes place in storm itself –Front-to-rear –Rear-to-front Advective Effects: Vortex Tilting



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