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October 25, 2011 Anne Hadreas Health Law Fellow Kentucky Equal Justice Center.

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1 October 25, 2011 Anne Hadreas Health Law Fellow Kentucky Equal Justice Center

2 1. Overview of the Affordable Care Act 2. Updates on Medicaid Managed Care 3. Brief description of KY’s Medicaid Waiver programs

3  Divided into five sections:  Employer-based insurance modifications  Health Benefit Exchanges  Funding for low- and middle-income consumers  Health insurance reforms  “Individual Mandate”

4  the Act builds upon the existing system that most consumers are used to  Establishes tax incentives for small businesses to purchase health insurance for their employees  Up to 50% of cost of health insurance  Penalties for certain large employers to offer health insurance to their employees

5  What they should look like:  Consumer-friendly  Standardized information  Promote competition  Similar to Travelocity or Expedia  Provide buying power  State flexibility but must be approved by 1/1/2013 or the federal government can step in with a federal exchange  Can be separate for individuals and small businesses

6  Medicaid Expansion!  Up to 133% FPL ($29,326/year for family of 4)  NO CATEGORIES!!!  Premium Tax Credits  Up to 400% FPL  Operates through federal income tax  No co-pays for preventative services

7 Medicare Donut Hole: 50% discount on brand name drugs and 7% for generic after $2,840 in total drug costs. The hole will disappear by 2020. Picture Source: Consumer Reports

8  Prevent denial of coverage for medical conditions  Prohibit higher premiums for medical conditions  Prevent unfair rescission of coverage  Requires evidence of fraud or intentional misrepresentation  Require higher percentage of spending on care  80% medical loss ratio (MLR)  Refunds to consumers if requirements not met  Youth coverage on parents’ plan until age 26

9  “Requirement to Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage” (26 U.S.C. § 5000A)  Need to have essential minimum coverage or make “shared responsibility payment.”  Penalty gets phased in  Penalty at 2016: $695, per person per year, or 2.5% of income, if higher  Goals:  More preventative care  Spread out the cost and lower premiums

10  Changes will roll out over a decade  Some changes are already in effect

11  New health plans to cover preventative care with no co-pays  Young adults up to age 26 can stay on parents’ plans  Health insurers prohibited from:  Denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions  Places lifetime limits on coverage  Dropping coverage due to illness  Federal pre-existing condition plan and temporary high risk pool  $250 Medicare donut hole rebate  Initial tax credits for small employers (25 employees or less) that provide health insurance

12  MLR  75% for KY; 80% in 2012  Discounts on drugs for Medicare beneficiaries  10% bump in Medicare payments for primary care providers

13  Increased payments to accountable care organizations (ACOs)  More changes to Medicare!  Payments linked to outcomes  No payments for preventable readmissions (e.g. hospital-acquired infections)

14  Limitations on medical deductions  Medical expenses must equal 10% of income to be deductible. (Currently, it is 7.5%) Exception: Individuals over 65 can use 7.5% until 2016  Flexible spending accounts limited to $2,500/year

15  Minimum Essential Coverage Requirement begins  Exchanges open  Medicaid expands to 133% of FPL  Premium tax credits start  Health insurance regulations begin  Cannot deny new or renewed coverage for medical conditions  No higher rates based on health

16  2016  States can band together to sell coverage and create larger markets  2018  Tax on “Cadillac plans” begins (over 10,200/year for individuals)  2020  Medicare donut hole completely eliminated

17  920,000 – Persons with pre-existing health conditions that who cannot be denied coverage  261,000 – Eligible beneficiaries for Medicaid with expansion to 133% of FPL  221,000 – Families who will receive tax credits for health insurance  51,500 – Small businesses who will receive tax credits for employees health care coverage  129,000 – Benefitting from the elimination of Medicare donut hole  16,800 - Young adults who may be covered until age 26 on parent’s health insurance  63,200 – Support for early retirees

18  Appellate cases  Individual mandate is unconstitutional but severable 11 th Circuit - Florida v. HHS (26 states joined)  Everything constitutional under Commerce Clause 6 th Circuit - Thomas More v. Obama  Dismissed for lack of standing 3 rd Circuit - NJ Physicians v. Pres. of U.S. 4 th Circuit -Virginia v. Sebelius; Liberty Univ. v. Geithner (AIA prohibits suit) 9 th Circuit - Baldwin v. Sebelius  Will be heard by SCOTUS in Spring 2012

19  32 million more people estimated to covered  Current system is confusing and complicated  A lot of details are still being worked out



22  One health plan that coordinates all or most of an individual’s care  Aim is to control costs  Plans are called “managed care organizations” or “MCOs”

23  Money savings  State pays a set amount per person ahead of time  Easier to budget  Coordinated care  Better alignment of physical and mental health  Chronic disease management  Incentive is to encourage preventative care

24  Cutting care saves money  Incentive to make it more difficult to get more expensive services, medications  Lower reimbursement rates for providers  Reduces access to care

25  Change from fee-for-service model  Should receive same services as before, with potential for additional services  Who is covered? Everyone, EXCEPT:  Passport region  Nursing homes  Waiver programs (e.g. Michelle P., SLC)  Only Medicare Savings Plans  Spend-down  Time-limited Medicaid  Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMBs), specified low income Medicare beneficiaries (SLMBs) or qualified Disabled Working Individuals (QDWIs)  A few other groups

26  What services will the MCOs cover?  All Medicaid services for these beneficiaries, EXCEPT: Non-emergency transportation School-health services First Steps HANDS  Medical, behavioral and (some) dental

27  Coventry Care of Kentucky  In seven other states   1-855-300-5528  Kentucky Spirit Health Plan  Subsidiary of Centene  Will have office in KY   1-866-643-3153  WellCare of Kentucky  Large company serving over 2 million Americans   1-877-389-9457

28  Provider networks will differ  Look at your clients’ PCP, specialists, pharmacy, hospital   Toll-free hotline: 1-855-446-1245  Beneficiaries will have chances to change later

29  7/7/2011: Governor signed contract with MCOs  7/2011-10/2011: MCOs establish networks  Mid-Aug., 2011: Beneficiaries received auto- assignment  10/5/2011: New initial change deadline  11/1/2011: New implementation date  11/2011-1/2012: Change period (90 days)  Open enrollment yearly during recertification period

30  Internal grievances  State fair hearings  Do not need to exhaust internal remedies  Impact litigation


32  Alter normal Medicaid rules for flexibility  Must be cost neutral  Section 1115 Research & Demonstration Projects: policy innovations  Section 1915(b): Managed Care/Freedom of Choice Waivers  Section 1915(c): Home and Community-Based Services Waivers

33  Managed Care  Passport (KY Health Care Partnership)  Non-Emergency Transportation System  Brain Injury Waivers (general and long-term care)  Home and Community-Based Services (seniors)  Model Waiver II (respiratory services)  Michelle P.  Supports for Community Living

34    (859) 233-0323  And dancing!

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