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National vs International Marketing procuction and or product development – properties, quality, packkaging etc. – the same or a different product ? pricing.

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Presentation on theme: "National vs International Marketing procuction and or product development – properties, quality, packkaging etc. – the same or a different product ? pricing."— Presentation transcript:

1 National vs International Marketing procuction and or product development – properties, quality, packkaging etc. – the same or a different product ? pricing strategies – economies of scale, economies of scale – same or different pricing, discounts, terms of payment etc. ? local infrastructure and possibilities to deliver the product – the supply chain should be a value chain, too media and personal selling; ”new possibilities to communicate the new possibilities” ismo.koponen@...

2 Branding brand awereness experienced quality customer relationships brand strongly associated with something positive brand personality – this differs it from just a product David Aaker (2000). Brand Leadership. ismo.koponen@...

3 A brand is a trade mark, a particular kind of manufactured article class, quality a mark made by or with a hot iron; an instrument for stamping a mark The Cassell Concise Dictionary ismo.koponen@...

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