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1 A Comparison of Traditional, Videoconference-based, and Web-based Learning Environments A Dissertation Defense by Ming Mu Kuo.

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Presentation on theme: "1 A Comparison of Traditional, Videoconference-based, and Web-based Learning Environments A Dissertation Defense by Ming Mu Kuo."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A Comparison of Traditional, Videoconference-based, and Web-based Learning Environments A Dissertation Defense by Ming Mu Kuo

2 2 Defense Format I. Purpose of Study II. Research Questions III. Significance of the Study IV. Research Design V. Finding and Review of Literature VI. Recommendations VII. Recommendations for Further Study

3 3 I. Purpose of the Study Gain a comprehensive understanding of the perspectives of students and faculty members at on-campus and remote sites in courses delivered using web-based courseware and videoconference-based (TTVN) delivery methods.

4 4 II. Quantitative Research Questions What are the differences in (student satisfaction 1, peer relationships 2 ) among traditional, videoconference-based, and web- based learning environments?

5 5 Qualitative Research Questions What are the differences in (motivation 3, faculty load 4, promotion & tenure 5 ) among faculty members involved in traditional, videoconference-based, and web-based learning environments?

6 6 III. Significance of the Study As institutions of higher education launch or expand distance learning course offerings, it is important to identify factors that influence students and instructors participation in distance education.

7 7 Significance of the Study (cont..) Information obtained from the study may help institutions of higher education, faculty administrators, and researchers better understand the perspectives associated with students and faculty members in the different learning environments.

8 8 V. Research Design The methods of research were MIXED- METHODS utilizing both quantitative and qualitative in nature and descriptive and comparative in design.

9 9 Quantitative Data Analysis Two-way contingency table analyses Pearson ’ s Chi-Square significance level: 0.05 TraditionalVideoconferenceWeb-Base Questionnaire 1 ………… Questionnaire 23

10 10 Population The subjects for this study were students and faculty members in courses offered over the TTVN and Web courseware by the Texas A&M University system during the spring semester of 2005. Process Campus

11 11 Population (cont..) Quantitative On-line surveyOn-line survey: N = 311 Students – Web-based course: Web group – TTVN (in campus): Traditional group – TTVN (remote site): Videoconferencing group Qualitative Interviews Faculty members : N = 7 Administrators N = 6 ( 3 deans and 3 provosts)

12 12 Research Instrument Validity Content validity of the on-line survey and interview questions were checked by a panel of experts (N=5) comprised of students and faculty members at the Texas A&M University -- Kingsville.

13 13 Research Instrument Reliability A pilot study with students not included in the actual study was conducted. (N=40) Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was used to check the reliability of the instrument. (a = 0.88)

14 14 Findings- Research Question One What are the differences in student satisfaction among traditional, videoconference-based, and web- based learning environments? 13 of 15 statements were found to be significantly related to the learning environment. Quality of course content/Graphic are good. (84.7%) Videoconference-based enhanced with Web-based course contribute to more effective learning. (46%)

15 15 Follow-up Paired comparisons: Bonferroni method to control for Type I errors at the.05 level of confidence “Technical support are available” (58%) “More effort than traditional courses” (31%) “The course is stimulating and challenging” (62.5%)

16 16 Findings: “Prefer distance learning course than traditional course” – W:51.7% T: 13.8% V: 45.5% (Agreement) “Done Better if take in traditional course” – W: 57.6% T: 31% V: 52.3% (Disagreement) “Recommendation – W: 82.2% T: 46.4% V: 75% (Agreement)

17 17 Web-based VS. Traditional “Enjoy from the learning environment” – W: 75.2% T: 47.5% “Overall quality is outstanding” – W: 76.4% T:48.2% “Take Again” – W: 77.3% T: 39.3%

18 18 Web-based VS. TTVN “Class material can be seen clearly on TV or computer monitor” – W:78.8% V: 61.4% – W:3% V:25% (Disagreement) “The class is sometimes temporarily interrupted or cancel due to technical problems” – W:25.2% V:65.1%

19 19 Review of Literature Clarke(1998) indicated that different learning environments produced different learning experiences. According to Salisbury (2003),there was no difference in performance, but there was a difference in student satisfaction for the different learning environments.

20 20 Findings- Research Question Two What are the differences in peer relationships among traditional, videoconference-based, and web-based learning environments? 5 of 8 statements were found to be significantly related to the learning environment. “Class Discussion is clear and efficient” (46.5%) “Peer Discussion is easy” (55.8%) “Team Projects are easy cooperated” (41.4%) % table

21 21 Findings: “Efficient means of communicating with other students and instructor”. – W: 81.9% T: 64.4% V:40.9% (Agreement) “Reliable means of communicating with other students and instructor”. – More than 70 % of students agreeed – W:6.9% T:13.8% V: 20.5% (Disagreement)

22 22 Traditional group has the highest preference of face-to-face relationships. Prefer face-to-face interaction: – With peers: W:37.4% T: 79.3% V: 50% – With Instructor: W 42.8% T: 84.7% V: 69.8%

23 23 Review of Literature The major criticism of distance learning is the loss of face-to-face interaction among students and between instructors and students (Berge, 1999). In distance learning, students can utilize electronic discussion boards, e-mail, chat rooms, telephone, and other methods to interact with each other and the instructor. Research has shown that the electronic environment can be structured for effective communicating and learning environments (Bonk & Cunningham, 1998; Stacey, 2002)

24 24 Findings- Research Question Three What are the differences in motivation among faculty members involved in traditional, videoconference- based, and web-based learning environments? “Providing more learning opportunity” and “Reaching wider audience”: Both Web-based and TTVN faculty Flexible schedule and location : Web-based Motivators

25 25 Findings- Research Question Three “Lack of release time”, “Lack of technical support”, and “Increased faculty load” as inhibiting factors. inhibiting factors

26 26 Review of Literature The review of literature endorses the finding that flexible scheduling and wider audiences are the most important intrinsic motivators for faculty members to participate in distance education Parker (2003).

27 27 Findings- Research Question Four What are the differences in faculty load among faculty members involved in traditional, videoconference-based, and web-based learning environments? Faculty members stated that their workload in distance education is somewhat higher than in traditional teaching. Need more time to prepare course materials and communicate with students. Workload increases when the class size is large.

28 28 Findings- Research Question Four TTVN: Concern about the equipment and travel. Web-based: More time to monitor student’s progress and engage in after-class discussion.

29 29 Review of Literature Farhad (2000) indicated that faculty who teach through distance learning are spending more time preparing the course and teaching it than their face- to-face counterparts, but receive the same or less pay and benefits. According to Bradburn (2002), the overall teaching load was somewhat higher for instructional faculty and staff teaching distance classes than for those not doing so.

30 30 The review of literature endorses the premise that providing timely feedback is crucial for the distance instructor (Grossman & Wagner, 2000; Kearsley, 2000)

31 31 Findings- Research Question Five What are the differences in promotion & tenure among faculty members involved in traditional, videoconference-based, and web-based learning environments? Participating distance faculty members: felt that administrators do not recognize the efforts of distance educators. From the administrators’ perspective, the main factors affecting tenure and promotion are teaching effectiveness and quality.

32 32 Findings- Research Question Five “The quality of the class depends on the instructor, not the medium.” Distance faculty members pointed out that the quality of distance is even or better than traditional class. One administrator stated: – No difference between TTVN and traditional. – However, difference between Web-based and traditional. (course not well prepare and design)

33 33 Findings- Research Question Five The standard for tenure/promotion is not well defined and only universal standards apply for all faculty members. There is still no standard to evaluate the effectiveness of distance learning educators.

34 34 Review of Literature The review of literature endorses the finding that participating in distance education was not a factor that carried much weight in influencing promotion or tenure decisions (Wolcott & Betts, 1999). Time and effort spent preparing instruction, creating materials, and managing distance students had little pay-off other than strengthening a good teaching record and sometimes contributing to the individual’s service component (Wolcott & Betts, 1999).

35 35 Recommendations Institutions of higher education provide a reliable hardware platform that offers consistent connection for distance learning students and instructors. Institutions of higher education eliminate inhibiting factors that discourage faculty member from participating in distance education and enhance the benefits associated with distance education.

36 36 Recommendations (cont..) Institutions of higher education limit the class size of distance learning class to reduce the faculty workload. Institutions of higher education create standards to evaluate faculty engagement in distance learning environments.

37 37 Recommendations for Further Study Recommended that additional studies of the learning style, student barriers, the amount of time spent interacting, different methods of interaction, the curriculum design, and the effectiveness of pedagogics associated with distance learning should be conducted.

38 38 Recommendations for Further Study (Cont..) Recommended that a replicated study of the same courses that are delivered in the three delivery methods be conducted.

39 39 A Comparison of Traditional, Videoconference-based, and Web-based Learning Environments A Dissertation Defense by Ming Mu Kuo

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