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Midterm – II March 30, 2005 Jason Lowry
MCB 135K Review Midterm – II March 30, 2005 Jason Lowry
Outline Aging of the Nervous System Brain Disorders
Imaging of the Brain Aging of the Visual System Aging of the Cardiovascular System Exercise and Aging Aging of Muscles Immune System
Aging of the Nervous System
Structural Changes Changes in Brain Weight Neurons vs. Glial Cells Denudation Neuropathological Markers Biochemical Changes Neurotransmitters CNS Synapses Neurotransmitter Imbalance and Brain Disorders Brain Plasticity CNS Regenerative Potential
Changes in Brain Weight
Neurons vs. Glial Cells Neurons Glial Cells Cell Body Axons Dendrites
Synapses Glial Cells Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Microglial
Denudation Normal Aging Degenerative Disease A, B, C
Small amounts of neuronal loss Increased dendritic growth Degenerative Disease D,E,F,G Progressive loss of dendritic spines Eventual Cell Death
Neuropathologies Lipofuscin Lewy Bodies Neurofibrillary Tangles
By-product of cellular autophagia Linear increase with normal aging Function in disease unkown Lewy Bodies Present in normal aging (60+) Increased accumulation in Parkinson’s Disease Neurofibrillary Tangles Tangled masses of fibrous elements Present in normal aging in hippocampus Accumulation in cortex is sign of Alzheimer’s Paired Helical Filaments Role in Neurofibrillary tangle formation
Neurons that may proliferate into adulthood include:
Progenitor “precursor” neurons lining the cerebral ventricules Neurons in the hippocampus Neurons usually “dormant” with potential for neuron and glia proliferation Astrocytes and oligodentrocytes with the ability to perpetually self renew and produce the three types of neural cells
Regenerative potential depends on changes in whole body and neural microenvironment
Whole body changes: Physical exercise Appropriate nutrition Good circulation Education Stress others Neural microenvironment changes: Brain metabolism (oxygen consumption, free radicals, circulatory changes) Hormonal changes (estrogens, growth factors, others) others
Common ectodermic derivation of neurons and neuroglia
Neural Cells Common ectodermic derivation of neurons and neuroglia Astrocytes: Star shaped cells Support neurons metabolically Assist in neuronal transmission Oligodendrocytes: myelinate neurons Neural Epithelium Neuroblast Spongioblast Neuron Migratory Spongioblast Astrocyte Ependyma Oligodendrocyte Astrocyte
Tsonis, P. A. , Stem Cells from Differentiated Cells, Mol. Interven
From newt amputated limb, terminally differentiated cells de-differentiate by losing their original characteristics. This de-differentiation produces blastema cells that then re-differentiate to reconstitute the lost limb. After lentectomy de-differentiated cells lose pigment and regenerate a perfect lens. De-differentiated myotubes produce mesenchymal progenitor cells that are able to differentiate in adipocytes and osteoblasts. Also refer to: Brawley, C. and Matunis, E., Regeneration of male germ line stem cells by spermatogonial de-differentiation in vivo. Science 304,
Brain Disorders Parkinson’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease Pathologies
Symptoms Treatment Strategies Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms and Signs Disease Progression Pathophysiology Treatment / Management
Parkinson’s Disease Loss of neuromelanin containing neurons in brain stem and presence of Lewy bodies in degenerating dopaminergic cells
Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms Treatment Strategies
Loss of motor function Loss of balance Speech and Gait abnormalities Tremor Rigidity Treatment Strategies Pharmacological Ldopa Neuroprotective Surgical Cell Therapies
Alzheimer’s Disease Onset usually after 60 Increase Risk with aging
Greater risk in women then men There are 3 consistent neuropathological hallmarks: Amyloid-rich senile plaques Neurofibrillary tangles Neuronal degeneration These changes eventually lead to clinical symptoms, but they begin years before the onset of symptoms
Primary goals: to enhance quality of life & maximize functional performance by improving cognition, mood, and behavior Nonpharmacologic Pharmacologic Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors Specific symptom management Resources
Imaging of the Brain Types of Neuroimaging
Neuronal Recruitment and Reaction Time
Aging of the Visual System
Aging of the Visual System
Structural Changes (See handout) Tear Film: Dry eyes or tearing Sclera: Fat deposits – yellowing Thinning – blueing Cornea Diameter does not change after age 1 Shape changes Retina Photoreceptor density decreases; other layers become disordered Illuminance decreases with age Lens Increased size and thickness Becomes more yellow
Aging of the Visual System
Function Corneal and Lens Decreased accommodation power Increased accommodation reflex latency Refractive error becomes more hyperopic with age Corneal sensitivity decreases Scatter increases Lens fluorescence increases with age Retinal Decreased critical flicker frequency Visual acuity declines Visual Field decreases Color vision changes Darkness adaptation is slowed Increased glare problems Decreased light reaches retina
Aging of the Visual System
Recommendation to Accommodate Problems: Wear appropriate optical correction Increase ambient light Make lighting even and reduce glare Improve contrast in critical areas Avoid rapid changes in light level Avoid Pastel Allow more time
Aging of Cardiovascular System
Atherosclerosis Characteristics Disease Results Arterial Changes Atherogenesis Contributing Factors Age Changes in Vascular Endothelium
Atherosclerosis Characteristics Universal Progressive Deleterious
Irreversible …but (?)
Atherosclerosis Disease Manifestation Myocardial Infarct Stroke
Aneurysm Gangrene
Arterial Changes Morphological Characteristics of the Arterial Wall
Intima – inner most layer of endothelial cells Media Elastica interna – formed by elastin fibers Smooth Muscle cells Vasa vasorum (penetrates media) Elastica externa Adventitia – outer most layer of collagen bundles Vasa vasorum – provide blood Read Pages
Atherogenesis Fatty Streak (Intima) Increased LDL and oxidized LDL
Accumulation of LDL in endothelial space Alter and breakdown of Elastic fiber Alerts immune system Monocytes macrophages Phagocytose LDL and elastic fibers Macrophages become full of LDL and appear as foam cells after staining
Atherogenesis Fibrous Plaque (Intima and Media)
Damaged smooth muscle cells take up LDL Increase foam cells Defense mechanism create scar tissue Problem for metabolic exchange later
Atherogenesis Atheroma Alteration of endothelial cells
Decreased number of cell Platelets seal off area where there was a loss of cells Increased growth factors Increased RBC Results in thrombus
Aging of Cardiovascular System
Atherosclerosis Theories Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors Risk Assessment Treatment
Lipids and Apolipoproteins
Major Categories Risk Factors in Atherosclerosis Lipoprotein Synthesis Apolipoproteins Lipolytic Enzymes Receptors
Lipids and Apolipoproteins
Categories Chylomicrons and VLDL High triglycerides IDL and LDL High cholesterol HDL High proteins High phospholipids
Lipids and Apolipoproteins
Risk Factors for Heart Disease Total cholesterol to HDL ratio above 4.0 Family history Elevated LDL; Low HDL Diabetes Mellitus Age Hypertension Obesity Smoking
Lipoprotein Synthesis
Intestine CM Nascent HDL Liver VLDL IDL LDL
Apolipoproteins Definition: Roles in Metabolism
Markers on lipid cell surface that determines metabolic fate of lipids Roles in Metabolism apoA-I HDL Reverse Cholesterol Transport apoB-100 VLDL, IDL, LDL Sole protein on LDL Necessary for assembly and secretion in liver Ligand for LDL receptor
Apolipoproteins and RCT
apoA-I is important in reverse cholesterol transport (review figure 17.3) Process whereby lipid free apoA-I and subclasses of HDL mediate the removal of excess cholesterol
Enzymes Lipoprotein Lipase Hepatic Triglyceride LCAT
Catabolizes CM and VLDL produces glycerol and fatty acids Requires apoC-II for activation Hepatic Triglyceride LCAT Essential for normal maturation of HDL Associates with discoidal HDL and is activated by apoA-I Forms hydrophobic cholesteryl ester that moves to core and gives spheroid shape (active)
Receptors LDL Macrophage Scavenger (SR-A1) SR-B1
Responsible for internalization of LDL Also known as apoB-E receptor Regulates cholesterol synthesis Macrophage Scavenger (SR-A1) Recognizes oxidized LDL Role in atherogenesis SR-B1 Docking protein for HDL Role in selective uptake for steroid hormone production Role in catabolism and excretion from liver
Exercise and Aging Cardiovascular Fitness Metabolic Fitness
Muscular Strength Anti-oxidant defenses Freedom from Injury Sense of Well Being
Exercise and Aging Cardiovascular Fitness Maximal oxygen consumption
VO2 Max increased by regular exercise Declines with aging Decreases morbidity Decreases mortality
Exercise and Aging Metabolic Fitness
Control age related increases in body fat Decrease risk of diabetes Maintain Ideal BMI Exercise at 45-50% of VO2 Max to facilitate fat loss (utilize fat as energy source)
Aging of Muscles Sarcopenia Age associated loss of muscle mass
Most significant contributing factor in the decline of muscle strength with age Lean body mass decreases between 35 and 75 45% muscle mass 15% muscle mass
Aging of Muscles Etiology of Sarcopenia Decrease in mitochondrial mass
Reduced protein synthesis PNS and CNS changes Hormonal changes State of inactivity (most prominent)
Muscle Fibers and Aging
Type I – slow fibers Type II – fast fibers Type II decrease much more with aging than Type I Explains why older people can have increased stamina at slow pace activities (hiking) Bed rest results in 1.5% loss per day and 2 weeks to recover for 1 day bed rest
MYOPLASTICITY -muscles enlarge with resistance type of exercise
May occur with different clinical effects, namely: -muscles enlarge with resistance type of exercise -increase their contractility (and the number of mitochondria) with endurance type of exercises -all these changes are due to stimulations and variations in the characteristics of the MYOSINS (protein isoforms)
CLINICAL significance of Myoplasticity:
RESISTANCE training: increases amount of contractile proteins permitting increasing efforts. As a consequence, muscles do ENLARGE (a decrease in Ca++ concentration is needed to elicit 50% of maximal tension). ENDURANCE training: increases the velocity of contraction, increases the number of mitochondria, and increases the capacity to oxidize substrate Increase the Vmax (velocity of contraction) of the SO (slow) fibers Decreases the Vmax of the FO (fast) fibers Vmax = velocity of shortening of a fiber
The Aging Heart Heart ages well in absence of disease
Age associated changes Heart rate decreases No change in stroke volume Contractility decrease with exercise No change in ejection fraction Heart rate – to max rate of increase with exercise “220-age” Blood pressure increases due to increased peripheral vascular resistance
Physiological Changes with Age
Parameter 20 years 60 years VO2 Max (mL x kg x min) 39 29 Maximum Heart Rate 194 162 Resting Heart Rate 63 62 Max. Cardiac Output (L x min) 22 16 EJECTION FRACTION 70-80% 50-55% Resting BP 120/80 130/80 Total Lung Capacity (L) 6.7 6.5 Vital Capacity (L) 5.1 4.4 Residual Lung Volume (L) 1.5 2.0 Body Fat % 20.1 22.3
Heart Failure: Cardiac Output (CO) insufficient to meet physiologic demands
In the elderly, heart failure due to: Mostly systemic arterial hypertension Coronary artery & valvular diseases (due to impaired cardiac filling & chronic volume overload) Combined right & left cardiac failure most common, but isolated occurrence of left or right also probable
Prevalence of heart failure:
Cardiomyopathy: Any heart muscle disorder not caused by coronary artery disease, hypertension or congenital valvular or pericardial diseases. Prevalence of heart failure: 25-54 yrs: 1% 55-65 yrs: 3% 65-74 yrs: 4.5% +75 yrs: 10% > 75% of patients with heart failure +60 years of age Primary reason is Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Secondary reason is Hypertension Third reason is cardiomyopathy
Contributory Causes to Heart Failure in the Elderly
Hypertension (poor elasticity of arterial system) Alcohol, but only if in excess Viral infections Autoimmunity Heredity (specially for the cardiomyopathies) Senile amyloid Diabetes (due to the microvascular disease) Arrhythmias and especially the TACHYCARDIAS
Evidence for Decline in Immune Function with Aging
Aged Individuals have: 1) Increased incidence of INFECTIONS: For example: pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis, meningitis, urinary tract infections 2) Increased incidence of AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE: For example: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, hepatitis, thyroiditis (graves-hyper/hashimotos-hypo), multiple sclerosis (Predisposition toward these diseases is related to Human Leukocyte Antigens HLA genes)
Evidence for Decline in Immune Function with Aging
Aged Individuals have: 3) Increased CANCER INCIDENCE: For Example: prostate, breast, lung, throat/neck/head, stomach/colon/bladder, skin, leukemia, pancreatic 4) TOLERANCE to organ transplants: Kidneys, skin, bone marrow, heart (valves), liver, pancreas, lungs
Cell Types Lymphocytes: derived in bone marrow from stem cells 10^12
A) T cells: stored & mature in thymus-migrate throughout the body -Killer Cells Perform lysis (infected cells) Cell mediated immune response -Helper Cells Enhance T killer or B cell activity -Supressor Cells Reduce/suppress immune activity May help prevent auto immune disease
Lymphocytes (cont.) B-Cells: stored and mature in spleen
secrete highly specific Ab to bind foreign substance (antigen: Ag), form Ab-Ag complex responsible for humoral response perform antigen processing and presentation differentiate into plasma cells (large Ab secretion)
Neutrophils- found throughout body, in blood
-phagocytosis of Ab-Ag CX Macrophages- throughout body, blood, lymphatics -phagocytose non-specifically (non Ab coated Ag) -phagocytose specifically Ab-Ag CX -have large number of lysosomes (degradative enzyme) -perform Ag processing and presentation -present Ag to T helper cell -secrete lymphokines/ cytokines to stimulate T helper cells and immune activity 4. Natural Killer Cells-in blood throughout body -destroy cancer cells -stimulated by interferons
Macrophage Bacteria Bacterial Infection
Viral Infection
5 classes of Ig IgG: 150,000 m.w. most abundant in blood, cross placental barrier, fix complement, induce macrophage engulfment IgA: associated with mucus and secretory glands, respiratory tract, intestines, saliva, tears, milk variable size IgM: 900,000 m.w. 2nd most abundant , fix complement, induce macrophage engulfment, primary immune response
5 Classes of Ig IgD: Low level in blood, surface receptor on B- cell
IgE: Binds receptor on mast cells (basophils) secretes histamine, role in allergic reactions Increased histamine leads to vasodilation, which leads to increase blood vessel permeability. This induces lymphocyte immigration swelling and redness.
Table 15-2: Some Aging Related Effects on B-Cells
Decreased number of circulating and peripheral blood B cells Alteration in B-cell repertoire (diversity) Decreased generation of primary and secondary memory B cells General decline in lymphoproliferative capacity
Table 15-14: Some Aging-Related Effects on T-cells
General decline in cell mediated immunological function T-cell population is hyporesponsive Decrease responsiveness in T-cell repertoire (i.e. diversity of CD8+ T-cells) Decline in new T-cell production Increase in proportion of memory and activated T-cells while naïve T-cells decrease Diminished functional capacity of naïve T-cells (decreased proliferation, survival, and IL-2 production) Senescent T-cells accumulate due to defects in apoptosis Increased proportion of thymocytes with immature phenotype Shift in lymphocyte population from T-cells to NK/T cells (cell expressing both T-cell receptor and NK cell receptors)
Table 15-13 Aging-Related Shifts in Antibodies
General decrease in humoral responsiveness: Decline in high affinity protective antibody production Increased auto-antibodies: Organ specific and non-organ specific antibodies directed to self Increased serum levels of IgG (i.e. IgG1 and IgG3) and IgA; IgM levels remain unchanged
Table 15-16 Influence of Aging on Macrophages
and Granulocytes General functional impairment of macrophages and granulocytes GM-CSF is unable to activate granulocytes from elderly subjects (e.g.: superoxide production and cytotoxic abilities) Polymorphonuclear neutrophils appear to possess higher levels of surface markers CD15 and CD11b and lesser vesicles containing CD69 which lead to the impairment observed to destroy a bacteria In elderly subjects the monocyte phenotype shifts (i.e. expansion of CD14dim and CD16 bright subpopulations which have features in common with mature tissue macrophages) Macrophages of aged mice may produce less IFN-, less nitric oxide synthetase, and hydrogen peroxide.
Table 15-15 Aging-Related Changes in Natural Killer (NK) Cells
General decline in cell function Good correlation between mortality risk and NK cell number Increased in proportion of cells with high NK activity (i.e. CD16+, CD57-) Progressive increase in percentage of NK cells Impairment of cytotoxic capacity per NK cell Increase in NK cells having surface molecule CD56 dim subset
Table 15-10 Some Aging-Related Shifts in Cytokines
Increased proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6, TNF- Increased cytokine production imbalance Decreased IL-2 production Increased production of IL-8, which can recruit macrophages and may lead to pulmonary inflammation Increase in dysfunctional IL-8 Decreased secretion of IFN- (interferon) Altered cytokine responsiveness of NK cells, which have decreased functional abilities Increased levels of IL-10 and IL-12 upregulated by Antigen Processing Cells
Table 15-17 Major Diseases Associated with Aging
in Immune Function Increased tumor incidence and cancer Increased incidence of infectious diseases caused by: E. Coli Streptococcus pneumonia Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Herpes virus Gastroenteritis, bronchitis, and influenza Reappearance of latent viral infection Autoimmune diseases and inflammatory reactions: Arthritis Diabetes Osteoporosis Dementia
Table 15-9 Hallmarks of Immunosenescence
Atrophy of the thymus: decreased size decreased cellularity (fewer thymocytes and epithelial cells) morphologic disorganization Decline in the production of new cells from the bone marrow Decline in the number of cells exported by the thymus gland Decline in responsiveness to vaccines Reduction in formation and reactivity of germinal center nodules in lymph nodes where B-cells proliferate Decreased immune surveillance by T lymphocytes and NK cells
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