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ICS 202: Data Structures Fall 2008-2009 (081) Section 01: 10-10:50am, 24:116 Section 02: 9 - 9:50am, 24:174 Instructor: Dr. Wasfi G. Al-Khatib Office:

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Presentation on theme: "ICS 202: Data Structures Fall 2008-2009 (081) Section 01: 10-10:50am, 24:116 Section 02: 9 - 9:50am, 24:174 Instructor: Dr. Wasfi G. Al-Khatib Office:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICS 202: Data Structures Fall 2008-2009 (081) Section 01: 10-10:50am, 24:116 Section 02: 9 - 9:50am, 24:174 Instructor: Dr. Wasfi G. Al-Khatib Office: 22:133-1Telephone: 1715 E-mail: Office Hours: SMW 11:00AM-1:00PM or by appointment

2 Textbooks 1.“Data Structures and Algorithms in Java”, 2 nd Edition, Adam Drozdek, Thomson Learning, ISBN 0-534-49252-5. 2.“Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Patterns in Java”, Bruno R. Preiss, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000.

3 Course Objectives Introduce students to fundamental data structures; their algorithms, implementations and applications. Teach students how to analyze the efficiency of the fundamental data structures in terms of both time and space so that they are able to decide what data structure is suitable for a given problem.

4 Course Learning Outcomes After completion of this course, the student shall be able to: –Apply object oriented concepts (inheritance, polymorphism, design patterns, etc.) in software design. –Implement various data structures and their algorithms, and apply them in implementing simple applications. –To analyze simple algorithms and determine their efficiency using big-O notation. –To apply the knowledge of data structures to other application domains like data compression and memory management.

5 Topics (Tentative) Topics of Coverage Lecture Slides & Text Book References Review & Introduction to Design PatternsLectures 1-3, Preiss Chapter 5 Introduction to Algorithm AnalysisLectures 4-6, Preiss Chapter 3, Drozdek Chapter 2 Review of Linked ListsLectures 7-8, Preiss Chapter 4, Drozdek Chapter 3 Review of Stacks & QueuesLectures 9-10, Preiss Chapter 6, Drozdek Chapter 4 Recursion and Recursive AlgorithmsLectures 11-14, Slides, Drozdek Chapter 5 Tree Structures and their Applications Lectures 15-23, Preiss Chapter 9, Drozdek Chapter 6 and 7, Heap Sort (Drozdek pg 484) Graphs and Graph AlgorithmsLectures 24-31, Preiss Chapter 16, Drozdek Chapter 8 Hashing TechniquesLectures 32-34, Preiss Chapter 8 Garbage CollectionLecture 35, Preiss Chapter 13, Drozdek Chapter 12 Advanced Data Structures

6 Grade Distribution ActivityWeight Laboratory20% Active Participation1%-5% Four Home Works15% Five Quizzes10% n Pop Quizzes5% EXAM 1: November 22, 2008, Saturday 7:00-9:00pm 15% EXAM 2: January 10, 2009, Saturday 7:00-9:00pm 15% FINAL EXAM: February 5, 2009, Thursday at 7:30am 20%

7 Attendance Policies (Lecture Only) Attendance will be checked each class. Unexcused Absences –The first four absences are FREE of charge. –The fifth absence is worth -2.5 of your maximum 100 total. –Each subsequent absence, up to the ninth absence, is worth -0.5. –The tenth absence will result in an automatic DN grade. –An unexcused absence can become an excused absence ONLY by an official letter from the Dean of Student’s office. A bonus of 0.5 percentage point will be given for each “additional” hour attended above the 43 hours. This shall come from the help sessions conducted for the two major exams and the final exam. Bonus percentage points can be earned for active participation in the course. This includes, but is not limited to, positive involvement in electronic discussions on the course, and [possibly] attendance of help sessions beyond regular class hours.

8 Notes Students are expected to be courteous toward the instructor, the lab instructor and their classmates throughout the duration of this course. All cell phones and pagers must be turned off during class and exams. Hard copies of homework are due at the beginning of the first class after the electronic submission deadline. No late homework will be accepted. Discussing questions among your classmates and on WebCT is highly encouraged. Copying homework solutions from each other is NOT permitted and will be considered CHEATING. Quizzes: 15-20 minutes. Each covers material given since the last quiz or major exam. Pop Quizzes:  5 minutes. Each covers material given during the same lecture.

9 Notes (Cont.) 24-Hour Policy: One has 24 hours to object to the grade of a homework, [pop] quiz or a major from the end of the class time in which the graded exam/homework papers have been distributed. If for some reason you cannot contact me within this period, send me an email requesting an appointment. The email should be sent within the 24-hour time period. Exams, homework and quizzes are generally CHALLENGING. Check the WebCT course page regularly for announcements and updates.

10 Important Dates ActivityDate and TimePlace Quiz 1Wednesday October 22, 2008In class Quiz 2Wednesday November 5, 2008In class Major 1Saturday November 22, 2008 (7 - 9pm)TBA Eid Ul-Adhaa BreakWednesday December 3,2008 – Saturday December 13, 2008 Quiz 3Monday December 15, 2008In class Lecture and Lab (Saturday Replacement) Thursday December 18, 2008In class/lab Quiz 4Saturday December 27, 2008In class Major 2Saturday January 10, 2008 (7 - 9pm)TBA Quiz 5Saturday January 24, 2008In class Final ExamThursday February 5, 2008 at 7:30amTBA

11 Review of Object-Oriented Concepts in JAVA Object-Oriented Concepts supported by JAVA. Advantages of Object-Orientation. Inheritance. Abstract Classes. Interfaces. Review Questions.

12 Object-Oriented Concepts supported by JAVA Java provides explicit support for many of the fundamental Object- Oriented Concepts. Some of these are: –Classification: Grouping related things together. This is supported through classes, inheritance & packages. –Encapsulation: Representing data and the set of operations on the data as a single entity - exactly what classes do. –Information Hiding: An object should be in full control of its data, granting specific access only to whom it wishes. –Inheritance: Java allows related classes to be organized in a hierarchical manner using the extends keyword. –Polymorphism: Same code behaves differently at different times during execution. This is due to dynamic binding.

13 Advantages of Object-Orientation. A number of advantages can be derived as a result of these object- oriented features. Some of these are: –Reusability: Rather than endlessly rewriting the same piece of code, we write it once and use it or inherit it as needed. –Extensibility: A class can be extended without affecting its users provided that the user-interface remains the same. –Maintainability: Again, once the user-interface does not change, the implementation can be changed at will. –Security: Thanks to information hiding, a user can only access the information he has been allowed to access. –Abstraction: Classification and Encapsulation allow portrayal of real-world problems in a simplified model.

14 Review of inheritance Suppose we have the following Employee class: class Employee { protected String name; protected double payRate; public Employee(String name, double payRate) { = name; this.payRate = payRate; } public String getName() {return name;} public void setPayRate(double newRate) { payRate = newRate; } public double pay() {return payRate;} public void print() { System.out.println("Name: " + name); System.out.println("Pay Rate: "+payRate); }

15 Review of inheritance (contd.) Now, suppose we wish to define another class to represent a part-time employee whose salary is paid per hour. We inherit from the Employee class as follows: class HourlyEmployee extends Employee { private int hours; public HourlyEmployee(String hName, double hRate) { super(hName, hRate); hours = 0; } public void addHours(int moreHours) {hours += moreHours;} public double pay() {return payRate * hours;} public void print() { super.print(); System.out.println("Current hours: " + hours); }

16 Notes about Inheritance We observe the following from the examples on inheritance: Methods and instance variables of the super class are inherited by subclasses, thus allowing for code reuse. A subclass can define additional instance variables (e.g. hours) and additional methods (e.g. addHours). A subclass can override some of the methods of the super class to make them behave differently (e.g. the pay & print) Constructors are not inherited, but can be called using the super keyword. such a call must be the first statement. If the constructor of the super class is not called, then the complier inserts a call to the default constructor -watch out! super may also be used to call a method of the super class.

17 Review of Abstract Classes Inheritance enforces hierarchical organization, the benefits of which are: reusability, type sharing and polymorphism. Java uses Abstract classes & Interfaces to further strengthen the idea of inheritance. To see the role of abstract of classes, suppose that the pay method is not implemented in the HourlyEmployee subclass. –Obviously, the pay method in the Employee class will be assumed, which will lead to wrong result. –One solution is to remove the pay method out and put it in another extension of the Employee class, MonthlyEmployee. –The problem with this solution is that it does not force subclasses of Employee class to implement the pay method.

18 Review of Abstract Classes (Cont'd) The solution is to declare the pay method of the Employee class as abstract, thus, making the class abstract. abstract class Employee { protected String name; protected double payRate; public Employee(String empName, double empRate) { name = empName; payRate = empRate; } public String getName() {return name;} public void setPayRate(double newRate) {payRate = newRate;} abstract public double pay(); public void print() { System.out.println("Name: " + name); System.out.println("Pay Rate: "+payRate); }

19 Review of Abstract Classes (Cont'd) The following extends the Employee abstract class to get MonthlyEmployee class. The next example extends the MonthlyEmployee class to get the Executive class. class MonthlyEmployee extends Employee { public MonthlyEmployee(String empName, double empRate) { super(empName, empRate); } public double pay() { return payRate; }

20 Review of Abstract Classes (Cont'd) class Executive extends MonthlyEmployee { private double bonus; public Executive(String exName, double exRate) { super(exName, exRate); bonus = 0; } public void awardBonus(double amount) { bonus = amount; } public double pay() { double paycheck = + bonus; bonus = 0; return paycheck; } public void print() { super.print(); System.out.println("Current bonus: " + bonus); } Employee HourlyEmployee MonthlyEmployee Executive

21 Review of Abstract Classes (Cont'd) The following further illustrates the advantages of organizing classes using inheritance - same type, polymorphism, etc. The Program Output public class TestAbstractClass { public static void main(String[] args) { Employee[] list = new Employee[3]; list[0] = new Executive("Jarallah Al-Ghamdi", 50000); list[1] = new HourlyEmployee("Azmat Ansari", 120); list[2] = new MonthlyEmployee("Sahalu Junaidu", 9000); ((Executive)list[0]).awardBonus(11000); for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if(list[i] instanceof HourlyEmployee) ((HourlyEmployee)list[i]).addHours(60); for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].print(); System.out.println("Paid: " + list[i].pay()); System.out.println("*************************"); }

22 Review of Interfaces Interfaces are not classes, they are entirely a separate entity. They provide a list of abstract methods which MUST be implemented by a class that implements the interface. Unlike abstract classes which may contain implementation of some of the methods, interfaces provide NO implementation. Like abstract classes, the purpose of interfaces is to provide organizational structure. More importantly, interfaces are here to provide a kind of "multiple inheritance" which is not supported in Java. –If both parents of a child implement a method, which one does the child inherits? - Multiple inheritance confusion. –Interfaces allow a child to be both of type A and B.

23 Review of Interfaces (contd.) Recall that Java has the Comparable interface defined as: Recall also that java has the java.util.Arrays class, which has a sort method that can sort any array whose contents are either primitive values or Comparable objects. Thus, to sort our list of Employee objects, all we need is to modify the Employee class to implement the Comparable interface. Notice that this will work even if the Employee class is extending another class or implementing another interface. This modification is shown in the next page. interface Comparable { int compareTo(Object o); }

24 Review of Interfaces (contd.) abstract class Employee implements Comparable { protected String name; protected double payRate; public Employee(String empName, double empRate) { name = empName; payRate = empRate; } public String getName() {return name;} public void setPayRate(double newRate) { payRate = newRate; } abstract public double pay(); public int compareTo(Object o) { Employee e = (Employee) o; return name.compareTo( e.getName()); } Employee HourlyEmployee MonthlyEmployee Executive Comparable

25 Review of Interfaces (contd.) Since Employee class implements the Comparable interface, the array of employees can now be sorted as shown below: The program output import java.util.Arrays; public class TestInterface { public static void main(String[] args) { Employee[] list = new Employee[3]; list[0] = new Executive("Jarallah Al-Ghamdi", 50000); list[1] = new HourlyEmployee("Azmat Ansari", 120); list[2] = new MonthlyEmployee("Sahalu Junaidu", 9000); ((Executive)list[0]).awardBonus(11000); for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if(list[i] instanceof HourlyEmployee) ((HourlyEmployee)list[i]).addHours(60); Arrays.sort(list); for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].print(); System.out.println("Paid: " + list[i].pay()); System.out.println("**********************"); }

26 Review Questions How does an interface differ from an abstract class? Why does Java not support multiple inheritance? What feature of Java helps realize the benefits of multiple inheritance? An Abstract class must contain at least one abstract method, (true or false)? A subclass typically represents a larger number of objects than its super class, (true or false)? A subclass typically encapsulates less functionality than its super class does, (true or false)? An instance of a class can be assigned to a variable of type any of the interfaces the class implements, (true or false)?

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