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B3d ¤ fall 2004 Alexander K. Bowman. load automatically view object when opened help window easily accessible for inexperienced users reorganized.

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Presentation on theme: "B3d ¤ fall 2004 Alexander K. Bowman. load automatically view object when opened help window easily accessible for inexperienced users reorganized."— Presentation transcript:

1 b3d ¤ fall 2004 Alexander K. Bowman

2 load automatically view object when opened help window easily accessible for inexperienced users reorganized menu system mimics other programs for more intuitive use interface


4 removed dependence on scenegraph and camera modes to make interaction easier, no more mode switching, just press control and click reorganized event handling to allow key-press camera interaction while in scenegraph mode

5 graphics can now render nodes as cubes (fast), points (medium) or spheres (slow) reorganized drawing into smaller trees saving memory draw individual point generators as points or cubes turn on and off parts of the scenegraph 24 nodes15 nodes

6 on/off

7 medial axis created function that returned the flow vector at an arbitrary point on a patch

8 synchronization created 3dShock_Process class in order to use one class to process both MingChing’s command line viewer and the b3d viewer

9 problems resizing viewer makes shapes disappear vxl viewer cannot handle larger scenes as well as Windows viewer

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