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Class Websites Breanna Lance Perri Jacobs Cheryl Ondrey
Benefits of Class Website for Teachers TThere will no longer be a need for teachers to worry about homework assignments and take home slips ACTUALLY getting home. PParents would just go to the class website and see current notes, as well as attached homework assignments IIf a child in the class has certain medical conditions, such as a food allergy, rather than sending a note home, the teacher could quickly alert parents via website of this special condition TThe access to this website would save time for busy teaches: RRather than taking time to call parents for help with various tasks such as grading papers, driving for field trips, bringing extra classroom supplies, etc, the teacher can post these needs on the website, and parents are comment back instantly MMass messages could be uploaded instead of printing multiple individuals RRather than using part of the classroom money for student textbooks, the teacher could save the extra money and post copies of the textbook online. TThe teacher could link the child’s grades and progress onto website for instant access
Benefits of Class Website for Students The students will be introduced to technology at a young age They can become more advanced in useful computer programs for future school projects, jobs, etc. They will no longer be limited with their creativity since they will have access to higher technology The students will have a better chance at achieving a higher grade With constant and quick updates made by the teacher on the website, parents can be more active in knowing what is to be expected of their child with homework Children will have access to updated grades, motivating them seek improvement if necessary Lighter backpacks There will no longer be a need to carry various textbooks and notes to and from school, reducing chance of back injury Students will have 24/7 access to class notes/assignments they may have missed or forgotten If the student is having homework trouble after class hours, they can e-mail the teacher for better understanding Or, they could post a question on the website, and fellow classmates could offer helpful advise
The “Cons” to Class Website Some families may struggle financially, and will not have access to the internet, or even a computer The child under these conditions may fall behind, and will not have equal learning conditions System Crashes If there are technical difficulties with the website, or internet then children will not access to important notes or homework If the computer is malfunctioning, then they too would lack access to the classroom essentials Rather than using the excuse ”my dog ate my homework” students could lie about the system crashing, or computer difficulties The website my take away personal contact with the teacher Rather than asking a question in person, students may rely on leaving a message on the website Not all parents agree with young children having access to the internet Children are susceptible to harmful advertisements on the internet
Parents Point of View Pro’s Teachers can make a special website for parents Would include: homework assignments, and class updates The parents will be kept informed because children do not always bring home papers or rely message to parents Con’s Parents don’t want their children on the computer all the time Will stop the help of children's’ penmanship Family may not have a computer Would have to child proof the computer Children would not be able to use computer without an adult present (stop the independence)
Effects of Technology Use Positive Effects Early development of computer skills The earlier children start using the computer the more familiar they become and the more developed their skills are. They learn at an earlier age how to utilize the computer to help them with their school work. Negative Effects Use in the classroom may lead to overuse of the computer. Overuse of the computer can lead to… Eyestrain and repetitive motion injuries Children may become antisocial Older children may use the computer in a negative way such as plagiarism.
What would the teacher website consist of ? Homework assignments Monthly calendar (ex: events, holidays, tests, field trips) Field trip forms Classroom needs Link to school website Link to parent page
Budget Depending on which company the school uses the price will vary. The average cost per year is $60 a year per teacher. This means that an elementary school with around 30 teachers will end up paying $1800 a year on websites for each of the teachers. Not only will the school have to pay for the websites but they will also need to train the teachers on how to use the website system. Trainer may need to be hired Incase the system crashes the school may need to invest in a tech person to fix it. Personal websites for poorer schools may be unreachable so in some cases the teacher may have to pay out of their own pocket to have a website.
References Children Carrying Heavy Backpacks Risk Poor Posture, Injury. (2005, May 25). Retrieved January 22, 2010, from Medical News Today: http://www.medicalnewstoda
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