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Clean State Legislatures Tyler Arnot Jordan Bell Kristina Connolly Andrea Tacconi.

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Presentation on theme: "Clean State Legislatures Tyler Arnot Jordan Bell Kristina Connolly Andrea Tacconi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean State Legislatures Tyler Arnot Jordan Bell Kristina Connolly Andrea Tacconi

2 Michigan State Legislature Professional Legislature Size of State Legislative Staff of Michigan, 2003: Permanent Staff: 1,153 Session-Only Staff: 0 Total Staff: 1,153 Legislative regular sessions convenes on January 11 and meets throughout the year. Legislator compensation, 2005: $79,650 a year $12,000 yearly expense allowance for session and interim (voucher) set by compensation commission. Incumbent reelection rates, 1994: Senate: Running: 27 Reelected: 26 Percentage: 96% House: Running: 93 Reelected: 91 Percentage: 98%

3 Michigan State Legislature Total state turnover, 1994-1996: Total members: 148 Total turnover: 23 % Total turnover: 16% Time demands of legislative work: 80-100% time % of women legislators: 20.3% % of African American legislators: 14% Term limit: House: 6 years Senate: 8 years

4 Iowa State Legislature Hybrid Legislature Size of state legislative staff, 2003: Permanent staff: 172 Session-only staff: 198 Total staff: 370 Legislative regular sessions lasts roughly 4 to 5 months. 2002- January 14-April 12, 89 days Legislator compensation, 2005: $21,380.54 a year $86/day ($65/day for Polk County) Incumbent reelection rates, 1994: Senate: Running: 15 Reelected: 15 Percentage: 100% House: Running: 74 Reelected: 71 Percentage: 96%

5 Iowa State Legislature Total state turnover, 1994-1996: Total members: 150 Total turnover: 35 % Total turnover: 23% Time demands of legislative work: 60-70% time % of women legislators: 20% % of African American legislators: 2% No term limits

6 Minnesota State Legislature Hybrid Legislature – No Term Limits 70 – 80% of the Time Spent Working as a Legislature 1979: 641 Members – 66% Permanent Staff 1988: 804 Members – 75% Permanent Staff 1996: 841 Members – 76% Permanent Staff 2003: 684 Members – 88% Permanent Staff Session: 120 Legislative Days During Each Biennium - Begins On The First Tuesday in January of Odd Years - Convenes On a Date Set By Both Bodies in Even Years

7 Minnesota State Legislature Total Legislative Expenditure: $46,300,000/year Salary: $31,140.90/year For Legislatures Senate: $66/day Representatives: $66/legislative day - Unvouchered, Set By Legislature Turnover Rate (’94 – ’96) – House: 20% Senate: 16% Total: 19% Incumbents - House: 91% Re-election Rate - Senate: No Data Women – 29.9% - House: 37 Senate: 23 Seats: 201 African Americans – 1% - House: 2 Senate: 0 Seats: 201

8 Wisconsin State Legislature Permanent staff: 756 Session only staff: 0 Total Staff: 756 Session length: meets throughout the year Operating Expenditures: $60.29 million ($456,000 per legislator) Legislative salary: $45,569/year Per diem: maximum $88

9 Wisconsin State Legislature Turnover rate: (2002) Senate: 18%, House: 15% Estimated percentage of time working as a legislator: 80-100% Percentage women legislators: 25.8% Percentage African-American legislators: 6% No term limits


11 Bitter Partisanship Gridlock Intense rivalries Deadlock State budget Full Time Legislature Inane policies

12 Fundraising Competitiveness Political bickering “Strong-arm” tactics Caucus Scandal Special interest groups Jensen and Schultz

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