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Emerging ministry models: a field report earl creps

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Presentation on theme: "Emerging ministry models: a field report earl creps"— Presentation transcript:

1 emerging ministry models: a field report earl creps

2 temperament analysis S: steroids G: gap A: alternative D: dissident

3 [steroids]

4 tech Ginghamsburg Ohio

5 house/building

6 merger SeaCoast Grace Orange County

7 [gap]

8 alternative service the altar Overlake Seattle

9 church within a church Flipside Alta Loma, CA

10 student Nu Brew Springfield, MO

11 campus Chi Alpha

12 ethnic Quest Seattle, WA

13 heart & mind Capital Christian Center Salt Lake City

14 photographic negative Mars Hill Seattle, WA

15 [alternative]

16 culture-current Redwood Hills Woodinville, WA

17 areopagus All Saints Church Seattle

18 cineplex

19 ancient-future

20 Antioch

21 networking Joel Gross Uptown Church Plant Minneapolis

22 third space JD Bump Stillwater, OK

23 inductive Chi Alpha Curt Harlow

24 Steve Saunders ordinary attempts

25 organic Rob Ferris Salt Lake City

26 [exploratory]

27 Cedar Ridge Community Church Washington, D.C. reboot

28 Todd Hunter micro Dirk & Lori Hodges Springfield, MO

29 tattoo church The Bridge Portland, OR

30 dissident New Ground West Hollywood, CA

31 festival Andrew Jones New Zealand

32 communal (compassion clusters) (dialogic forums) Ichthus Pomona, CA

33 cyber Spencer Burke & Matt Palmer Newport Beach, CA

34 what is the church? “Finally, at a risky moment, Jesus turned to His followers and passed the baton. On his departure, He made it clear that this message of life and hope must be told. The story of God is often referred to as good news. News is only news to those who have never heard it before. If you have heard it, you then either ignore it, reminisce about it or disagree with it. It is our passion to tell the story of God with our words, lives, creativity and acts of service to those who are searching for some good news.” Pastor Bill Berger, All Saints Church (AG), Seattle, WA

35 resources Earl Creps, Emerging Culture/Emerging Church: A Select Resource List. Brian McLaren, The Church on the Other Side. Zondervan, 2001.

36 emerging ministry models: a field report earl creps

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