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6/29/20151 Government support for employer provided training 10 th Annual CEET Conference 2006 Andy Smith Charles Sturt University.

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Presentation on theme: "6/29/20151 Government support for employer provided training 10 th Annual CEET Conference 2006 Andy Smith Charles Sturt University."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/29/20151 Government support for employer provided training 10 th Annual CEET Conference 2006 Andy Smith Charles Sturt University

2 6/29/20152 Training practices and expenditure 2001-02  Total of 1.3% of payroll  Percentage of employers providing training increased from 61% in 1996 to 81%  Percentage providing structured training increased from 38% in 1996 to 41%  Total net training expenditure increased by 52% from 1996.

3 6/29/20153 EU and Australia. % payroll spent on training 1999 and 2001 Country%Country% Denmark1.7France1.0 Netherlands1.7Spain1.0 Sweden1.6Luxembourg1.0 Ireland1.5Germany0.9 Australia1.3Austria0.8 Finland1.3Portugal0.7 Italy1.2Belgium0.6

4 6/29/20154 The impact of nationally recognised training (2005)  Survey of 600 firms and 12 case studies  The introduction of Training Packages since 1997  How enterprises use NRT  How NRT is integrated into HR systems in enterprises

5 6/29/20155 Structured training provision

6 6/29/20156 Reasons for widening access  NRT meets high volume training needs  NRT is usually delivered in the workplace and integrated into the job  Training package development has focused on lower level occupations  NRT is not good for highly technical or managerial occupations

7 6/29/20157 Use of competency standards for HRM (%) RTOsPurchasers Non users Writing job descriptions 49.032.425.6 Job evaluation 49.026.541 Performance management Recruitment & selection

8 6/29/20158 Reported increase in total training provision since NRT (%) RTOsPurchasers A lot 43.114.7 Somewhat49.044.1 No change 5.938.2 Don’t know 2.02.9

9 6/29/20159 Funding for employer training  Incentives being tied to nationally recognised training (WELL, Farmbis)  Employment incentives for apprentices and trainees  User choice funding. Complex variations between jurisdictions  Funded places in RTOs  New incentives

10 6/29/201510 Importance of funding to training (%) Enterprise RTOs Purchasers Very important 30.643.8 Some importance 42.925.0 Not very important 12.218.8. No funding 14.312.5

11 6/29/201511 Funding for existing worker training (%) Enterprise RTOs 74 Purchasers59 Non-users23

12 6/29/201512 The importance of funding  “Government assistance is not why we have apprentices - we want to develop professional for the future.”  “The need to train existing workers far outweighs the requirements for funding: funding to our organisation is secondary.”


14 6/29/201514 Learning and development Employer training Learning & Development Vocational Education & Training

15 6/29/201515 Conclusions  Complexity of training. Not well acknowledged in current debates  Training is more integrated with HRM than 10 years ago.  Role of funding  Role of national VET policy

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