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Objectives for this presentation: Recognize when collaboration is needed; review the structure and flow of collaboration; identify skills to use when the.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives for this presentation: Recognize when collaboration is needed; review the structure and flow of collaboration; identify skills to use when the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives for this presentation: Recognize when collaboration is needed; review the structure and flow of collaboration; identify skills to use when the collaborative process breaks down The Collaborative Model – A Foundation for Success in the 21 st century

2 col·lab·o·rate - a process by which two or more people work together cooperatively toward a common goal. It is a learning process that is creative by nature through which knowledge, experience, or ideas are shared and consensus is built.

3 Why Collaborate? The Workplace is evolving Global Competition Shifts in Demographics Transient Skill Sets Shrinking occupational life cycles

4 Why Collaborate? The Workforce is lagging Gaps in Job Readiness Generational /Cultural Gaps Knowledge-to-Application Gaps Professionalism / Ethics Gaps Collaborative “Team Skills Gaps

5 Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution Skills are increasingly critical in the Workplace In a survey of over 400 employers across the United States, the most important skills cited by employers are:  Professionalism / Work Ethic  Oral and Written Communication  Teamwork / Collaboration  Critical Thinking / Problem Solving  Information Technology Application source: Southern Regional Education Board

6 Meanwhile....... The Social Media Revolution, also known as Web 2.0, is changing the way we interact Consider these facts: One in Eight couples married in the U. S. met via social media 96% of the Millenial Generation have joined one or more social networks Facebook exceeds Google in weekly internet traffic in the United States Social Media has replaced Pornography as the #1 activity on the WorldWideWeb Facebook added over 200 million users in less than a year (TV took 13 years to reach 50 million users) Downloads of iPod applications (“apps”) exceeded 1 billion in less than 9 months If Facebook were a country, it would be the 3 rd largest in the world, behind China and India 80% of all businesses use social media for recruiting new employees Generations Y and Z (Gen@ or Millenials, born after 1980) consider email passe. Some Universities have stopped distributing e-mail accounts in favor of iPads, eReaders, and Tablets Every minute, more than 24 hours of video is uploaded on YouTube Social Media isn’t a fad, it is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate source:

7 What does this mean for Educators? Is The Culture moving away from the traditional model of instructional delivery? A US Department of Education study revealed that online learners outperformed students receiving traditional (F2F) instruction.

8 What does this mean to Educators? What does this mean for Educators? Changes to Curriculum and Instructional Delivery including: Increased Emphasis on Relationships, Partnering, and Soft Skills Problems-Based Learning Collaborative Approaches Small Learning Communities

9 What does this mean for Educators? Changes in Organizational Structure and Focus including: Instructors As Mentors Community Partnerships Parent/Student/Teacher Partnerships Advisory Groups Career Clusters / Career Majors

10 From Classroom... To Strategy Room... To Board Room... Collaboration is the Key to achieving and maintaining viability in a competitive Global Marketplace

11 Collaboration – How do we get there? The Collaborative Model

12 Inclusion Make sure the right “Players” are involved A Team’s COMPOSITION is CRITICAL to its FUNCTIONALITY Make sure a range of EXPERTISE and PERSPECTIVES are REPRESENTED

13 Acknowledgement Recognize the Potential within each “Partner” Experience / Expertise Access – Each partner represents a Network Perspective Understanding through Self-Awareness

14 Contribution / Interactivity Non-Negotiable Ground Rules Structure is Critical Expectations – Clear, Reasonable, Shared Healthy Communication is Vital Identify and Address Problems Quickly

15 ADD VALUE What is the GOAL and HOW do we GET THERE? FOCUS – Keeps the Main Thing the Main Thing CLARITY – Provides the Standard by which work is measured TRANSPARENCY – Keeps the work evenly distributed MUTUAL RESPECT – Motivates with the right Attitude

16 ADOPT and ADAPT your efforts to the Enterprise Consensus is Buy-In Test the Theories Practice Accountability Exercise Cautious Optimism

17 DISTRIBUTE – Make a Difference Promote the Product, not the Producer Share the Glory / Share the Pain Own the Results Move on

18 Making the Model WORK Addressing PROBLEMS in the Process

19 Recognizing Communication Problems

20 Withdrawal

21 Invalidation

22 Negativism

23 Escalation

24 Problems with Interaction

25 Character Assassination

26 Catastrophic Interpretations

27 Cross- Complaining

28 Kitchen – Sinking

29 Effectively Dealing with Problems

30 Making Connections to Build Stronger Relationships

31 Take time to KNOW the individuals, but keep the FOCUS on the GOAL AVOID Blamestorming & other forms of Negativity Small Connections build large Networks Laugh at yourself OFTEN

32 Your BEST Collaborative tool: Effective Listening

33 Keys to Effective Listening Look directly at the person who is speaking DO NOT INTERRUPT WAIT for the floor Repeat what you heard BEFORE commenting

34 Discussing problems in a SAFE way

35 Using “When...Then...“or “X Y Z” statements to define the Problem Puts the Action and Context together Makes the Cause-Effect connection Helps everyone “Own their own” actions & emotions Gets the problem out in the open

36 Moving Forward, then Back

37 Strategies for Effective Collaboration Involve the RIGHT people from the beginning and USE their ideas Make sure everyone knows what is EXPECTED from them Celebrate PROGRESS at each step along the way Address PROBLEMS quickly – as soon as they become apparent Keep the MAIN THING the MAIN THING – talk about “WHY” Don’t be afraid to make ADJUSTMENTS as they are needed

38 The Collaborative Model – A Foundation for Success in the 21 st century

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