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Industry Mentoring Initiative (IMI) Information Session Fall 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Industry Mentoring Initiative (IMI) Information Session Fall 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industry Mentoring Initiative (IMI) Information Session Fall 2009

2 New York Initiatives Mission  Extending your experience beyond the classroom and into New York City through innovative and compelling curricular and co-curricular programming 2

3 New York Initiatives Team  Lizzette Hernandez, Executive Director  Beth Briggs, Associate Director  Lauren Bernstein, Administrative Assistant 3

4 Industry Mentoring Initiative (IMI)  Highly selective, year long program that provides group mentorship to first-year, full-time MBA students  Supports students who are making a career switch  Educational program that offers an in-depth perspective on industry of interest – not a company recruitment program 4

5 IMI Program Content  Program content varies by track, but typically includes the following components:  Over-the-shoulder support from MBA2s who participated in the IMI program during their first year  Industry overview  Onsite sessions with corporate partner  Resume and cover letter reviews  Mock interviews  Recruiting pointers 5

6 IMI Sample Syllabus  Track syllabus usually includes the following:  Session Zero: Meeting with MBA2 mentors  Session One: Introductions, industry overview, career opportunities, corporate culture and industry trends  Session Two: Success factors and required skill set, manager and colleague expectations  Sessions Three to Five: Resume and cover letter review, interview tips, networking advice and mock interviews  Sessions Six to Seven: More mock interviews, coaching and shadowing sessions and making the most of your summer internship 6

7 IMI Career Tracks and Corporate Partners 7 Consulting Investment Banking Luxury & RetailMarketing Media & Entertainment Sales & Trading

8 IMI Framework  8 to 15 students selected for each track  3 to 4 MBA2 mentors on each track  3 to 4 corporate partner mentors on each track, typically Stern MBA alums  Generally, 5 to 8 meetings during the year  Kick-off meetings held in October  All track meetings are mandatory  Student team coordinator will be appointed for each track  Coordinator serves as liaison with the track’s corporate partner 8

9 IMI Selection Criteria  Successful applicants must:  Demonstrate commitment and focus on selected industry track  Commit to attending all track meetings  Possess the skills necessary to succeed in selected industry  Clearly articulate desire to participate in program and what can be gained through the experience  Demonstrate the ability to work successfully in a small team environment  Serve as ambassadors of the Stern School Priority will be given to students who do not have prior experience in the industry to which he or she is applying. 9

10 Application Overview  Application requirements:  All first-year, full-time MBA students are eligible to apply, but preference is given to career switchers  Students can apply to one track only  Applications are due by 12:00 PM on Tuesday, September 15 10

11 Application Overview  Visit and select Fall 2009 IMI application from the homepage or the IMI  Complete all sections of the application and submit it along with your resume to by 12:00 PM on Tuesday, September  “IMI Application” in subject line  Save and attach resume as LastName.FirstName.IMIResume  Save and attach application as LastName.FirstName.IMI Application 11

12 Selection Process  All applications will be reviewed by the NYI team  Students selected to interview will be notified by Monday, September 21  Interviews will be held from September 22 to September 28  Interview appointments can be made by visiting or calling the NYI office (212-998-0421; 7 th Floor KMC)  Business casual dress code  Offers will be made by September 30  Session zero for each track will be held on Friday, October 2 12

13 Important Dates Sept. 15 12:00 PM Application Deadline Sept. 21 Interview Selection Sept. 22 to Sept. 28 Interviews Sept. 30 Offers Oct. 2 Session Zero Throughout October Kickoff Meetings 13

14 Questions?  Please contact the New York Initiatives office:   212-998-0421  KMC Building, 7 th Floor 14

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