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PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Creative Strategy Week 1. PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Tonight  Housekeeping  Input from last term  The context for creative strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Creative Strategy Week 1. PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Tonight  Housekeeping  Input from last term  The context for creative strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Creative Strategy Week 1

2 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Tonight  Housekeeping  Input from last term  The context for creative strategy  Purposes of advertising  “Big Idea” & related

3 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Housekeeping

4 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Required Text None

5 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Recommended Reading  Advertising Age, AdWeek, Communications Arts  Perfect Pitch: Jon Steel  Truth, Lies & Advertising: The Art of Account Planning, Jon Steel  Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind, Ries & Trout  A New Brand World, Scott Bedbury  Where the Suckers Moon: The Life and Death of an Advertising Campaign, Randall Rothenberg  Romancing The Brand: The Power of Advertising and How to Use It, David N. Martin

6 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Expectation  Inquisitive and critical thinking  Points-of-view and personal experience offered and discussed  Conviction of point-of-view supported by rationale  Positive attitude & tendency toward fun

7 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Legalese  All in-class assignments are due before leaving class each week  All out-of-class assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date due  Late work will not be accepted without prior approval  Late work that is accepted will be docked points: 1/5, 2/10, 3/15  Illegible handwriting will not be graded; if not made up score = 0  Course participants are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty. Academic honesty is a requirement for passing this course  340 is a pre-requisite, no exceptions  Proof of successful completion needed next week

8 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Grading Format (Subject to change) Total Points In-class assignments75 Out-of-class assignments90 Final35 Total200 Extra credit25 A187—200 A-180—186 B+173—179 B167—172 B-160—166 C+154—159 C147—153 C-140—146 D+134—139 D127—133 D-120—126 F0—119

9 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Odds & Ends  Each class you’ll be able to pick up your previous week’s work  Class length: cover our material then go   “Office hours”  None on campus; if needed can book time during the week as available  Will stay after class as long as anyone needs me 

10 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Input from Last Term

11 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Recommendations from them to you  Show up for every class (8)  Take everything seriously but have fun and don’t stress (6)  Be very concise! Don’t over-do the briefs. We’re taught a very formulaic style in the SBA and it just doesn’t fly in the briefs. Explore verbs and adjectives! (3)  Open your mind to new ideas; you never know what’s going to pop out (3)  Do the extra credit even if you don’t need it (2)  Learn your way around the PowerPoints for the Final (2)  Work hard to understand concepts EARLY. This will make the rest of the term more enjoyable/productive

12 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Keep In Mind  Rationale: compellingly answer WHY?  You need to convince, not inform  Your goal is to prove to cynics and skeptics that your opinion is clearly appropriate, compelling, and will work  Objective: what are we trying to accomplish?  Bad example: “Build awareness”  Good example: “Within the next 12 months, generate awareness of at least 37% among females 25—34 in our four primary markets”  Strategies: methods of accomplishing your objective(s)  “Celebrity endorsement and personal appearances in our four primary markets”  Tactics: specific steps and actions to be taken  Name the celebrities, priority order of cities, # locations in each city, media plan, etc

13 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 In-Class #1  Part 1: Your objective(s) for this class

14 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Context for Creative Strategy

15 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 It Used To Be Pretty Simple  Television  National, regional, local  Radio  National, regional, local  Print  National, regional, local, vertical  Out-of-home

16 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Media Choices Have Exploded  Spending on alternative media jumped 22% ($73 billion) in the past year  Projected to grow @ 17%/year reaching $161 billion by 2012 Search and lead gen Online classifieds & displays e-media Online video and rich media Internet yellow pages Consumer-generated ads Mobile advertising Video on demand Interactive TV DVR Video game Home video Satellite radio Event sponsorship Paid product placement Advergaming Webisodes e-direct marketing Word-of-mouth e-custom publishing

17 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Changing Landscape  DVR ad-skipping: three-year study, consortium of 25 marketers  20% of all brands lost statistically significant volume in HH with DVRs  5% lower purchases than in non-DVR HH  “Even modest diversification of media plans away from TV can minimize or eliminate the effect of ad-skipping”  Ad budgets shifting to content creation and loyalty marketing  “Advertisers may have to release many different versions of creative in order to entice smaller packs of would-be customers “

18 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Relevance For Creative Strategy  Constants:  Understanding your audience, deeply and intimately  Connecting company, product, or service to audience needs/wants  Presenting messages in compelling, relevant ways  On average, over 5,000 commercial exposures a day  The Creative Brief is the means by which this information is brought to a point and communicated with the creative team

19 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Creative Is But One Of Many Strategies © Young & Roehr Inc.

20 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442  Public Relations  Creative Services  Market Research  Programs and Events  Community Relations  Viral/Word of Mouth  Advertising  Direct Marketing  Online Marketing Marketers’ Tools © Young & Roehr Inc.

21 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Artful Use  Program Management  Success Metrics  Audits  Public Relations  Creative Services  Market Research  Programs and Events  Community Relations  Viral/Word of Mouth  Advertising  Direct Marketing  Online Marketing  Internal Alignment and Training  Strategic Planning and Facilitation © Young & Roehr Inc.

22 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Purposes of Advertising  Increase knowledge (awareness)  Change attitude (preference)  Stimulate desired behaviors (action)

23 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 In-Class #1  Part 2: Which purpose?

24 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Big Idea “Big Idea” generally refers to the core/essence of a creative idea  To be “Big” it needs to be so compelling to the target audience that a connection is made deeply, usually quickly  It is based on a deep understanding of individuals that comprise a target audience, competitive situation, product, and marketing objectives

25 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 In-Class #1  Part 3: Identify the Big Idea

26 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 Big Idea vs. Production Technique Insight; relevant idea; inspiring execution vs. interesting execution devoid of clear and relevant idea

27 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 In-Class #1  Part 4: More technique than idea?

28 PSUSpring ‘08 Mktg 442 For Next Week  Pick a print ad that demonstrates a Big Idea  Define which of three purposes the ad represents  Identify and summarize the Big Idea  Explain why you think it’s a Big Idea  Explain how the production value and/or creative technique does or doesn’t amplify the Big Idea

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