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Calculation of Hydrologic Parameters Using CRWR-PrePro Francisco Olivera, PhD Center for Research in Water Resources University of Texas at Austin.

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Presentation on theme: "Calculation of Hydrologic Parameters Using CRWR-PrePro Francisco Olivera, PhD Center for Research in Water Resources University of Texas at Austin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calculation of Hydrologic Parameters Using CRWR-PrePro Francisco Olivera, PhD Center for Research in Water Resources University of Texas at Austin

2 Hydrologic Parameters zWatershed yAbstractions and routing method yParameters zStream yRouting method yParameters

3 Watershed Abstractions and Routing Method zAbstractions: precipitation/excess precipitation transformation ySCS curve number method yInitial loss + constant rate loss zRouting: excess precipitation/runoff flow transformation ySoil Conservation Service (SCS) synthetic unit hydrograph

4 Watershed Abstractions Soil properties Precipitation (mm) Excess precipitation (mm) Excess precipitation = f(Precipitation, Soil properties)

5 Watershed Routing Excess precipitation (mm/hr) Runoff flow (m 3 /s) Watershed

6 Watershed Routing Excess precipitation (mm/hr) Runoff flow (m 3 /s) Time Excess precipitation and Runoff flow Runoff flow = f(Excess precipitation, Watershed hydrologic properties)

7 Hydrologic Parameters zWatershed yAbstractions and routing method yParameters zStream yRouting method yParameters

8 Watershed Parameters zArea zAverage curve number zInitial + constant rate loss zLength of longest flow-path zSlope of longest flow path zLag time

9 Elevation Grid

10 Flow Length Downstream

11 Flow Length Upstream

12 Longest Flow-Path

13 Flow Length Downstream to the Watershed Outlet


15 Flow Length Upstream to the Watershed Divide


17 Watershed Longest Flow-Path


19 Slope of Watershed Longest Flow Path

20 Watershed Lag-Time (SCS) t p :lag-time (min) L W :length of longest flow-path (ft) S :slope of the longest flow-path (%) CN :average Curve Number  t: analysis time step

21 Watershed Lag-Time (L/V) t p :watershed lag-time (min) L w :length of longest flow-path (ft) V w :longest flow-path average velocity (m/s)  t: analysis time step

22 Watershed Parameters

23 Hydrologic Parameters zWatershed yAbstractions and routing method yParameters zStream yRouting method yParameters

24 Routing Method

25 Pure-Lag Method zFlow is delayed a fixed amount of time t lag. t lag : flow time in the reach I: inflow to the reach Q: outflow from the reach

26 Muskingum Method zFlow is delayed a fixed amount of time K, and redistributed around its centroid. S: storage in the reach K: flow time in the reach (  t < K <  t/2X ) X: storage parameter I: inflow to the reach Q: outflow from the reach  t: analysis time step

27 Routing Method Flow time (L s /V s ) L s /V s <  t Muskingum Routing L s /V s >  t Pure Lag Routing L s :length of the stream V s :flow velocity in the stream  t: analysis time step

28 Hydrologic Parameters zWatershed yAbstractions and routing method yParameters zStream yRouting method yParameters

29 Pure Lag Parameters t lag :flow time in the reach (min) L s :reach length (m) V s :reach average velocity (m/s)

30 Muskingum Parameters K :flow time in the reach (hr) [Muskingum K] X :storage parameter [Muskingum X] L s :reach length (m) V s :reach average velocity (m/s) n :number of sub-reaches  t: analysis time step

31 Stream Parameters

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