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FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING IN ERLANG ID1218 Lecture 022009-10-28 Christian Schulte Software and Computer Systems School of Information and.

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Presentation on theme: "FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING IN ERLANG ID1218 Lecture 022009-10-28 Christian Schulte Software and Computer Systems School of Information and."— Presentation transcript:

1 FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING IN ERLANG ID1218 Lecture 022009-10-28 Christian Schulte Software and Computer Systems School of Information and Communication Technology KTH – Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden

2 Reminder & Overview L02, 2008-10-29 2 ID1218, Christian Schulte

3 Functional Programming L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 3  Compute by evaluating functions returning results  Techniques recursion with last-call-optimization pattern matching list processing higher-order programming accumulators

4 Functional Programming in Erlang L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 4  Data types: values primitive: integers, floats, atoms compound: tuples, lists  Programs consist of functions identified by atom and arity defined by several clauses arguments are passed by value clauses are evaluated evaluation returns value

5 Function Definition L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 5  Function defined by several clauses clauses separated by ; last clause terminated by. variable scope is per clause (anonymous variable _)  Clause consists of head and body separated by -> head can contain guard after when clauses tried in textual order until matching clause is found (pattern matches and guard is true)  Guards: tests, comparisons, conjunction, disjunction

6 Program Organization  Programs consists of several modules  Module are named export functions import other modules  Function calls either locally defined or imported functions or functions qualified by module name L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 6

7 Overview L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 7  Introduction to Erlang second look: lists and tuples, pattern matching third look: what do we need to understand  How do Erlang programs compute make programs simple how exactly does computation proceed  Next lecture accumulators higher-order programming

8 A Second Look L02, 2008-10-29 8 ID1218, Christian Schulte

9 Tuples L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 9  Combine several values here: 1, a, 2 position is significant! {1,a,2} {} 1a2

10 Lists L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 10  A list contains a sequence of elements  A list is the empty list [], or consists of a cons (or list pair) with head and tail head contains an element tail contains a list

11 An Example List L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 11  After evaluation of [a|[b|[c|[]]]]  Can also be written as [a,b,c] [a|[b,c]] [a,b|[c|[]]] [|] a| b| c[]

12 Head And Tail L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 12  The head and tail can be accessed by builtin functions (BIFs) hd/1 and tl/1 hd([X|Xr]) evaluates to X tl([X|Xr]) evaluates to Xr

13 Example of Head and Tail L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 13  hd([a,b,c]) evaluates to a  tl([a,b,c]) evaluates to [b,c]  hd(tl(tl([a,b,c]))) evaluates to c  Draw the trees!

14 How to Process Lists L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 14  Given: list of integers  Wanted: sum of its elements implement function sum  Inductive definition over list structure Sum of empty list is 0 Sum of non-empty list Xs is hd(Xs) + sum(tl(Xs))

15 Sum of a List L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 15 sum(Xs) when Xs==[] -> 0; sum(Xs) -> hd(Xs)+sum(tl(Xs)).

16 General Method L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 16  Lists are processed recursively base case:list is empty ([]) inductive case:list is cons access head, access tail  Powerful and convenient technique pattern matching matches patterns of values and provides access to fields of compound data structures

17 Sum with Pattern Matching L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 17 sum([]) -> 0; sum([X|Xr]) -> X+sum(Xr).

18 Pattern Matching L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 18  A pattern is constructed like a value but also allows variables in the pattern  A pattern matches a value, if the types agree (tuple matches tuple, list matches list, …) for tuples, the arity (number of fields must agree) the values agree  When a pattern matches, the variables are assigned to the matched values

19 Pattern Matching L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 19  Can be used with the assignment operator =  For example {[X|Xr],4,{A,B}} = {[1],4,{b,a}} matches with X=1, Xr=[], A=b, B=a  But [] does not match [_|_], …

20 Single Assignment Variables  A variable can be assigned only to the same value X=[1,2],X=[1,2] otherwise runtime error  Major difference to Java, C, C++, … variables change over time also: stateful variables and programs  Single assignment variables simplify reasoning over programs concurrent programming L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 20

21 Length of a List L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 21  Inductive definition length of empty list is 0 length of cons is 1 + length of tail len([]) -> 0; len([_|Xr]) -> 1+len(Xr).

22 Case Expression len(Xs) -> case Xs of [] -> 0; [_|Xr] -> 1+len(Xr) end.  Like new function defined with several clauses  Functions with a single clause are sufficient  Scope rule: if variable X introduced in clause and used after end X must be introduced in all clauses L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 22

23 If Expression fac(N) -> if N==0 -> 1; N>0 -> N*fac(N-1) end.  Scoping as with case L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 23

24 Look Two: Summary L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 24  List is either empty or cons with head and tail  List processing is recursive processing  Useful for this is pattern matching  Clauses can be replaced by case expression

25 A Third Look L02, 2008-10-29 25 ID1218, Christian Schulte

26 A Better Length? L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 26 len(Xs) -> len(Xs,0). len([],N) -> N; len([_|Xr],N) -> len(Xr,N+1).  Two different functions: len/1 and len/2  Better, because much faster (but it has one more argument?) uses less memory (what memory? heap? stack?)

27 Appending Two Lists L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 27 app([],Ys) -> Ys; app([X|Xr],Ys) -> [X|app(Xr,Ys)].  How much memory needed?  Stack space… in the length of the first list… Why?

28 Reversing a List L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 28 rev([]) -> []; rev([X|Xr]) -> app(rev(Xr),[X]).  How much time needed? grows quadratic with the length of the input list… why? how can one find out?

29 Reversing a List: Better L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 29 rev(Xs) -> rev(Xs,[]). rev([],Ys) -> Ys; rev([X|Xr],Ys) -> rev(Xr,[X|Ys]).  How much time needed? grows only linear with the length of the input list… how does this work? can we do that mechanically? The same as len/2 …

30 The MiniErlang Machine How Programs Compute L02, 2008-10-29 30 ID1218, Christian Schulte

31 Erlang Semantics  Semantics will define how programs compute operational semantics abstract machine (implementation blueprint)  Strategy define semantics for very simple Erlang programs captures the essence of how programs compute explains in particular how much stack space is needed L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 31

32 The MiniErlang Machine  Executes MiniErlang programs  Uses two stacks expression stack: what needs to be evaluated value stack: was has already been evaluated  Starts with a single expression to be evaluated the value stack is empty  Finishes with a single value (the result) all expressions have been evaluated  Executes expressions and instructions instructions perform operations after all required arguments have been evaluated L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 32

33 Roadmap: MiniErlang  What to compute with MiniErlang expressions and programs  What are the results MiniErlang Values  What are the instructions for compound value construction and function call  How are functions called parameters are passed by substitution considers only matching clauses clauses have patterns (we ignore guards) L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 33

34 Evaluating Values L02, 2008-10-29 34 ID1218, Christian Schulte

35 MiniErlang Values  A MiniErlang value is an integer or a list other values are similar  In short notation V := int | [] | [ V 1 | V 2 ] known as BNF notation: discussed later so: values are referred to by V (possibly subscripted) can be: any integer, the empty list, a cons consisting of two values V 1 and V 2 L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 35

36 MiniErlang Expressions  A MiniErlang expression is a value, a variable, or a function call E :=int | [] | [ E 1 | E 2 ] |X | F(E 1,…, E n ) expressions referred to by E variables referred to by X function names referred to by F L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 36

37 MiniErlang Machine  MiniErlang machine Es ; Vs → Es’ ; Vs’ transforms a pair (separated by ;) of expression stack Es and value stack Vs into a new pair of expression stack Es’ and value stack Vs’  Initial configuration: expression we want to evaluate on expression stack  Final configuration: single value as result on value stack L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 37

38 Stacks  We write stacks as X 1  …  X n  Xr top of stack X 1 n-th element X n more elementsXr empty stack   Pushing X to stack Xr: X  Xr  Popping X from stack X  Xr:Xr L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 38

39 MiniErlang Execution Idea  Simple case: an integer evaluates to itself the result of an integer expression… …is an integer value  MiniErlang machine i  Er ; Vs → Er ; i  Vs if the expression stack has the integer i as top of stack… execution yields: the expression i is popped from the expression stack and pushed on to the value stack same for empty list L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 39

40 MiniErlang Instruction Idea  How to evaluate a list expression [ E 1 | E 2 ] first evaluate E 1, to a value V 1, … then evaluate E 2, to a value V 2, … then construct a new value [ V 1 | V 2 ]  Use an instruction that says: build a list makes the assumption that values needed are on the value stack execution will pop two values, push a new list value when [ E 1 | E 2 ] is executed, E 1 and E 2 and the instruction CONS are pushed on the expression stack L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 40

41 Evaluating a List Expression  Evaluate a list expression [ E 1 | E 2 ]  Er ; Vs → E 1  E 2  CONS  Er ; Vs  Execute a CONS instruction CONS  Er ; V 1  V 2  Vs → Er ; [ V 2 | V 1 ]  Vs L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 41

42 Example  We want to evaluate the expression [1|[]] (that is, just the list [1] )  Start configuration of our machine [1|[]] ;  expression stack: [1|[]] empty value stack:   What should be the end configuration:  ; [1|[]] empty expression stack:  result on value stack: [1|[]] L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 42

43 Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ;  → … L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 43 [ E 1 | E 2 ]  Er ; Vs → E 1  E 2  CONS  Er ; Vs

44 Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ;  → 1  []  CONS ;  → … L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 44 i  Er ; Vs → Er ; i  Vs

45 Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ;  → 1  []  CONS ;  → []  CONS ; 1 → … L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 45 i  Er ; Vs → Er ; i  Vs

46 Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ;  → 1  []  CONS ;  → []  CONS ; 1 → CONS ; []  1 → … L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 46 CONS  Er ; V 1  V 2  Vs → Er ; [ V 2 | V 1 ]  Vs

47 Let’s Do It! [1|[]] ;  → 1  []  CONS ;  → []  CONS ; 1 → CONS ; []  1 →  ; [1|[]] L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 47

48 Summary  MiniErlang values expressions  MiniErlang machine operates on expression and value stack evaluates topmost expression on expr stack executes topmost instruction on expr stack  Start state: single expr on expr stack  Final state: single value on value stack L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 48

49 Summary & Homework L02, 2008-10-29 49 ID1218, Christian Schulte

50 Summary: MiniErlang  Stack-based operational semantics expressions, values, patterns, substitutions, matching  What did we learn how to describe how programs compute semi-gentle introduction to semantics better understanding of Erlang programs blueprint of a stack-based implementation  What will we use it for tool for analyzing how Erlang programs compute L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 50

51 Homework  Take some expressions execute them by hand L02, 2008-10-29ID1218, Christian Schulte 51

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