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A Complex Character. 22 November 1963 LBJ sworn in on Air Force One Unclear what had happened Faced hostile response from JFK ‘people’

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Presentation on theme: "A Complex Character. 22 November 1963 LBJ sworn in on Air Force One Unclear what had happened Faced hostile response from JFK ‘people’"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Complex Character

2 22 November 1963 LBJ sworn in on Air Force One Unclear what had happened Faced hostile response from JFK ‘people’

3 A Balanced Ticket

4 Made in Texas b.1908 1931 Clerk to Texas Rep in Washington DC 1935 Director of Texas National Youth Admin. House of Reps, 1937

5 Lady Bird Johnson Marriage Nov 1934

6 A Political Insider Senate 1948 election (Defeat in 1941) 1951 Senate Majority Whip 1953 Senate Minority Leader 1955 Senate Majority Leader

7 Legislative Achievements May 1964 ‘Great Society’ Jly 1964 Civil Rights Act Aug 1964 Economic Opportunity Act Apr 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act Jly 1965 Medicare Aug 1965 Voting Rights Act watch?v=- dSIYNPB0uI&feature=rel ated

8 Johnson campaign ad, 1964

9 Vietnam 1965 Escalation 31 Mar 1968 Announced would not be seeking re-election.

10 LBJ Died 22 Jan 1973

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