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Machine Learning and Review Reading: C. 18
2 Bayesian Approach Each observed training example can incrementally decrease or increase probability of hypothesis instead of eliminate an hypothesis Prior knowledge can be combined with observed data to determine hypothesis Bayesian methods can accommodate hypotheses that make probabilistic predictions New instances can be classified by combining the predictions of multiple hypotheses, weighted by their probabilities
3 Applying Bayes Theorem Best hypothesis = most probable hypothesis Maximum a posteriori (MAP) hypothesis Variables h = hypothesis D = data Prior probability h: P(h) training data observed: P(D) P(D|h) = probability of observing data D given some world where hypothesis holds Bayes theorem: P(h|D) = P(D|h)*P(h) P(D)
4 Defining the MAP hypothesis h MAP =argmax P(h|D) hεH h MAP =argmax P(D|h)*P(h) hεH P(D) (Using Bayes Theorem) h MAP =argmax P(D|h)*P(h) hεH (P(D) is a constant independent of h) h MAP =argmax P(D|h) hεH (when we can make the assumption that each hypothesis h is equally probable)
5 Bayes Optimal Classifier The most probable classification of the new instance by combining the predictions of all hypotheses weighted by their posterior probabilities Possible classifications: v j εV Argmax ∑ P(v j |h i )P(h i |D) v j εV h i εH
6 Example V = {p, n} P(h 1 |D)=.4 P(p|h 1 )=0 P(n,h 1 )=1 P(h 2 |D)=.3 P(p|h 2 )=1 P(n,h 2 )=0 P(h 3 |D)=.3 P(p|h 3 )=1 P(n,h 3 )=0 ∑ P(n|h i )P(h i |D) =.4 h i εH ∑ P(p|h i )P(h i |D) =.6 h i εH Argmax ∑ P(v j |h i )P(h i |D) = p v j ε{p,n} h i εH
7 Properties of Bayesian Approach Bayesian learning is optimal Easy to estimate P(h) by counting in training data Estimating P(D|h) not feasible Why?
8 P(D|h) S-lengthS-widthP-lengthClass 1high Versicolour 2lowhighlowSetosa 3lowhighlowVerginica 4low medVerginica 5high Versicolour 6high medSetosa 7high lowSetosa 8high Versicolour 9high Versicolour
9 Naïve Bayes Assume independence of attributes D = a 1,a 2,…a n P(a 1,a 2,…a n |v j )=∏P(a i |v j ) i Substitute into V MAP formula V NB =argmax P(v j )∏P(a i |v j ) v j V i
10 V NB =argmax P(v j )∏P(a i |v j ) v j V S-lengthS-widthP-lengthClass 1high Versicolour 2lowhighlowSetosa 3lowhighlowVerginica 4low medVerginica 5high Versicolour 6high medSetosa 7high lowSetosa 8high Versicolour 9high Versicolour
11 Estimating Probabilities What happens when the number of data elements is small? Suppose true P(S-length=high|verginica)=.05 There are only 2 instances with C=Verginica We estimate probability by n c /n or #S- length|Verginica/C-Verginica #S-length|Verginica must = 0 Then, instead of.05 we use estimated probability of 0 Two problems Biased underestimate of probability This probability term will dominate
12 Instead Use priors as well n c +mp n+m Where p = prior estimate M is a constant called the equivalent sample size Determines how heavily to weight p relative to observed data Typical method: assume a uniform prior
13 Benefits of Naïve Bayes Practical As effective and in some cases, more so, than other machine learners
14 Review for Midterm Concepts you should know Search algorithms Depth-first, breadth-first, iterative deepening, A *, greedy, hill-climbing, beam Constraint propagation Game playing Bayesian Nets A little on machine learning
15 Midterm format Multiple choice Short answer questions Problem solving Essay An example midterm will be posted under links
16 Concepts Any words in yellow or light blue or pink on slides
17 Uninformed Search Depth-first Breadth-first Iterative Deepening
18 Formulating Problems as Search Given an initial state and a goal, find the sequence of actions leading through a sequence of states to the final goal state. Terms: Successor function: given action and state, returns {action, successors} State space: the set of all states reachable from the initial state Path: a sequence of states connected by actions Goal test: is a given state the goal state? Path cost: function assigning a numeric cost to each path Solution: a path from initial state to goal state
19 Breadth first OPEN = start node; CLOSED = empty While OPEN is not empty do Remove leftmost state from OPEN, call it X If X = goal state, return success Put X on CLOSED SUCCESSORS = Successor function (X) Remove any successors on OPEN or CLOSED Put remaining successors on right end of OPEN End while
20 Depth-first OPEN = start node; CLOSED = empty While OPEN is not empty do Remove leftmost state from OPEN, call it X If X = goal state, return success Put X on CLOSED SUCCESSORS = Successor function (X) Remove any successors on OPEN or CLOSED Put remaining successors on left end of OPEN End while
21 Can we combine benefits of both? Depth limited Select some limit in depth to explore the problem using DFS How do we select the limit? Iterative deepening DFS with depth 1 DFS with depth 2 up to depth d
22 Complexity Analysis Completeness: is the algorithm guaranteed to find a solution when there is one? Optimality: Does the strategy find the optimal solution? Time: How long does it take to find a solution? Space: How much memory is needed to perform the search? Is this notion of completeness the same as completeness in logic?
23 Cost variables Time: number of nodes generated Space: maximum number of nodes stored in memory Branching factor: b Maximum number of successors of any node Depth: d Depth of shallowest goal node Path length: m Maximum length of any path in the state space
24 Informed Search Best-first A * Greedy Hill climbing Variants Randomness, Simulated annealing, Local beam search, Online search will not be on midterm
25 Greedy Search OPEN = start node; CLOSED = empty While OPEN is not empty do Remove leftmost state from OPEN, call it X If X = goal state, return success Put X on CLOSED SUCCESSORS = Successor function (X) Remove any successors on OPEN or CLOSED Compute heuristic function for each node Put remaining successors on either end of OPEN Sort nodes on OPEN by value of heuristic function End while
26 A* Search Try to expand node that is on least cost path to goal Evaluation function = f(n) f(n)=g(n)+h(n) h(n) is heuristic function: cost from node to goal g(n) is cost from initial state to node f(n) is the estimated cost of cheapest solution that passes through n If h(n) is an underestimate of true cost to goal A* is complete A* is optimal A* is optimally efficient: no other algorithm using h(n) is guaranteed to expand fewer states
27 Admissable heuristics A heuristic that never overestimates the cost to the goal h 1 and h 2 are admissable heuristics Consistency: the estimated cost of reaching the goal from n is no greater than the step cost of getting to n’ plus estimated cost to goal from n’ h(n) <=c(n,a,n’)+h(n’)
28 Local Search Algorithms Operate using a single current state Move only to neighbors of the state Paths followed by search are not retained Iterative improvement Keep a single current state and try to improve it
29 Steepest Ascent
31 Problems for hill climbing When the higher the heuristic function the better: maxima (objective fns); when the lower the function the better: minima (cost fns) Local maxima: A local maximum is a peak that is higher than each of its neighboring states, but lower than the global maximum Ridges: a sequence of local maxima Plateaux: an area of the state space landscape where the evaluation function is flat
32 Some solutions Stochastic hill-climbing Chose at random from among the uphill moves First-choice hill climbing Generates successors randomly until one is generated that is better than current state Random-restart hill climbing Keep restarting from randomly generated initial states, stopping when goal is found Simulated annealing Generate a random move. Accept if improvement. Otherwise accept with continually decreasing probability. Local beam search Keep track of k states rather than just 1
33 Example midterm problem on search
34 Constraint Propagation
35 CSP algorithm Depth-first search often used Initial state: the empty assignment {}; all variables are unassigned Successor fn: assign a value to any variable, provided no conflicts w/constraints All CSP search algorithms generate successors by considering possible assignments for only a single variable at each node in the search tree Goal test: the current assignment is complete Path cost: a constant cost for every step
36 Local search Complete-state formulation Every state is a compete assignment that might or might not satisfy the constraints Hill-climbing methods are appropriate
38 General purpose methods for efficient implementation Which variable should be assigned next? in what order should its values be tried? Can we detect inevitable failure early? Can we take advantage of problem structure?
39 Order Choose the most constrained variable first The variable with the fewest remaining values Minimum Remaining Values (MRV) heuristic What if there are >1? Tie breaker: Most constraining variable Choose the variable with the most constraints on remaining variables
40 Order on value choice Given a variable, chose the least constraining value The value that rules out the fewest values in the remaining variables
41 Forward Checking Keep track of remaining legal values for unassigned variables Terminate search when any variable has no legal values
42 Example midterm problem on constraint satisfaction
43 Game Playing Minimax Alpha-beta pruning Evaluation function (what is the difference between a cost function, a utility function, a heuristic function, an evaluation function?)
44 Bayesian nets Example problem
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