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Performance Assessments

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1 Performance Assessments
Gronlund, Chapter 9 Burke, Chapter 5

2 Strengths of Performance Assessment
Can evaluate complex learning outcomes and skills Provides more natural, direct and complete evaluation of some skills Greater motivation for students Relates to real life skills

3 Limitations of Performance Assessment
Requires time and effort Judgment and scoring are subjective and burdensome Scoring is typically unreliable Evaluation must be done individually

4 Examples of Performance Assessment
Restricted Performance Write a 1-page report Give a one-minute speech Read aloud a brief poem Construct a graph from a data set Extended performance Design and conduct experiment Design a wood product Write a short story Paint a picture Repair a motor

5 Preparing Performance Assessments
Specify the outcomes Select the focus of assessment Select appropriate degree of realism Select performance situation Select the method of observing, recording, and scoring

6 Examples of Restricted Performance Tasks
Stands in a natural manner Maintains good eye contact Uses appropriate facial expressions Uses gestures effectively Speaks clearly and with good volume Speaks at an appropriate rate Presents ideas in an organized manner

7 Example Extended Performance Outcomes
Designs and conducts an experiment Writes an accurate account of the study States valid conclusions Writes a critique of the procedure and findings Presents and defends the study in class

8 Select Focus of Assessment
Assess the procedure when there is no product Procedure is orderly/observable Correct procedure is critical Analysis of steps can improve product

9 Select Focus of Assessment
Assess the product when Different procedures result in equally good product Procedure is not available for observation Procedural steps have been mastered Product has clearly identified qualities

10 Select Degree of Realism
Consider nature of instructional objectives Sequence of instruction may indicate paper/pencil before hands-on Consider practical constraints Task itself may limit realism

11 Select Performance Situation
Paper/pencil performance Identification test Structured performance test Simulated performance Work sample Extended research project

12 Establish Criteria and Standards
Selecting and stating the problem Locating and selecting resources Writing the report Making a product Orally presenting and defending the product

13 More Authentic Performances
Use real-world problems Focus on complex learning outcomes Engage students in activities Integrate skills and ideas imbedded in activities

14 Select Method of Observing, Recording, and Scoring
Systematic observation and anecdotal records Checklists Rating scales Scoring rubrics

15 Examples Sample rating scales Oral presentation checklist
Collaboration rubric Anecdotal records

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