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1 UW IT strategy framework 19 June 2007 C&C EC meeting teg.

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Presentation on theme: "1 UW IT strategy framework 19 June 2007 C&C EC meeting teg."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 UW IT strategy framework 19 June 2007 C&C EC meeting teg

2 2 Purpose  Overall  Provide vocabulary & framework for SP engagements  Provide way to identify current focus areas  Today  Stimulate EC discussion  Get feedback  Define path to closure

3 IT/IS/IM Strategic Objectives for UW  Increase personal productivity and group effectiveness  by providing anytime/anywhere access to great tools  by enabling collaboration without boundaries  by discovering and mitigating IT annoyances  Increase institutional efficiency  by reducing duplication of efforts  by leveraging marketplace economies of scale  by leveraging advanced tech., stds, good design  Reduce institutional risk  by improving security  by supporting compliance efforts  by improving UW's business continuity capability

4 Strategy Development Strategy  Preparation  Framework/vocabulary definitions, deliverables  Identify suggested themes for initial focus  Define set of backgrounder/whitepapers  Define engagement roadmap, milestones  Engage  PIs, administrators, SysAds, committees,...  Broker/Convene events  Listen, facilitate, then respond with suggestions  Document and vet SP conclusions  Develop implementation plans & priorities

5 IT Strategic Plan Deliverables  To be determined

6 IT Strategic Plan Milestones  To be determined

7 Framework Admin Systems and Info Mgt Clinical Teaching eScience Personal and Group Productivity Tools INFRASTRUCTURE UniversalDiscipline-Specific

8 Personal & Group Productivity Tools  Content creation (docs, audio, video, ppt, drwgs)‏  Math, budget, modeling, simulation, etc  Communication (Email, IM, Telephony, Paging)‏  Calendaring (Personal, Group, Public)‏  Contact management & presence management  Information Gathering & Sharing  Searching, sorting, filtering  Content management  Wikis, Blogs, “YouTube”, “MySpace”  Catalyst-like tools, e.g. Surveys  Group file access/sharing  DBMS

9 Infrastructure Services  Networking & communications  Storage  Backup  Security  Access control and identity management  Managed servers & Colo  Business continuity  Software development environments

10 Personal Platforms  Computers  Desktop  Laptop  PDAs  Phones  Desktop hard-phone  Soft-phone  Mobile/Smart phones  Operating environments  Windows, Mac, Linux, Symbian, Palm, Blackberry

11 eScience Platforms  Data clusters  Compute clusters  Visualization clusters  Dominant operating environments  Linux, Unix  Windows

12 Questions/Next steps  Is this on the right track?  Suggested changes?  Merge with engagement roadmap?  Merge with whitepaper roadmap?  Steps needed to declare it done?

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