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Neutron Stars. Discovery of neutron (1932) Neutron Star (1934) –Landau (unpublished) –Baade & Zwicky “With all reserve we advance the view that supernovae.

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Presentation on theme: "Neutron Stars. Discovery of neutron (1932) Neutron Star (1934) –Landau (unpublished) –Baade & Zwicky “With all reserve we advance the view that supernovae."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neutron Stars

2 Discovery of neutron (1932) Neutron Star (1934) –Landau (unpublished) –Baade & Zwicky “With all reserve we advance the view that supernovae represent the transitions from ordinary stars into neutron stars, which in their final stages consist of extremely close packed neutrons” Oppenheimer & Volkoff (1938) Recognition of the importance of accretion power (Salpeter, …) in early sixties

3 References Padmanabhan (Volume 2) Shapiro Teukolsky Lattimer & Prakash Science (astroph/0405262) –This is an excellent review Kaspi et al. (astroph/0402136) –Good phenomenological review Kaplan 2004 PhD thesis –For local flavour

4 Manifestations of NS

5 Manifestations of Neutron Stars Low Mass X-ray Binaries (Rocket Flt, Sco X-1) Pulsars (IPS Array, CP1919) High Mass X-ray Binaries (UHURU, Cen X-3?) Binary Pulsars (Arecibo, 1913+16) Soft gamma-ray repeater (Satellites, 5 March 1979) Millisecond Pulsars (Arecibo, 1937+214) Cluster Pulsars (Jodrell Bank, M28) Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (Einstein, 1E2259) Thermally emitting NS (ROSAT, RXJ 1856) Enigmatic source in Cas A (Chandra)

6 A Young Pulsar in G11.2-0.3

7 Of Crabs, Shells and Plerions

8 Pulsar P-Pdot Diagram





13 Nearby X-ray NS Cooling NS Middle-aged magnetars (decay of B field) Accreting from ISM (see Accretion lecture)

14 Magnetic Fields Cyclotron Frequency omega = eB/mc Electron cyclotron: nu = 3 Hz B(micro Gauss) Energy = 10 keV (B/10 12 ) G B QED = 4x10 13 Gauss

15 Magnetic Fields Cyclotron lines in accreting pulsars (usually confirmed by harmonics) Features in nearby X-ray bright NS (confused state of affairs) –Some are interpreted as proton cyclotron –Features are broad in some cases See review by Kaspi et al. [astroph/0402136]


17 Masses of Neutron Stars

18 Neutron Star Masses


20 Radius (Rotation) of NS

21 Coherent Oscillations from LMXBs

22 Maximum Spin Rate 642 Hz: Is this the limiting period? Neutron stars cannot be spun up (grav radiation -> LIGO) Limiting period is fundamental to the equation of state of dense matter

23 Radius of NS: constraints from spin period

24 Formation of NS





29 Do most SN produce NS?

30 Enigmatic Source in Cas A

31 What is in the center of SN 1987A?

32 Kaplan’s thesis: what is in the centers of shells?



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