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Alpha Epsilon Delta National Health Preprofessional Honor Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Alpha Epsilon Delta National Health Preprofessional Honor Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alpha Epsilon Delta National Health Preprofessional Honor Society

2 Brief History Founded in spring of 1926 by Dr. Sidney A. Mitchell as an honorary fraternity at U. Alabama with fellow premed students and Dr. Jack Montgomery, Professor of organic chemistry and premed advisor. Initially members needed 3 semesters of premed work and grades placing them in upper fifth of class. 1930 publication of the journal, The Scalpel, by National President, Dr. Moore. By September 1940, 31 chapters with membership exceeding 2500

3 Brief History Cont’d AED was elected to membership in the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) April 23 rd, 1945 with members exceeding 5000 in 1946. Purdue’s Beta chapter was chartered on January 21, 1950 By the year 2000, AED had a total of 172 chapters and a society membership of approximately 125,000.

4 Requirements 1. You must be an undergraduate student enrolled in Purdue University with a full time status 2. You must be engaged in courses leading to the study of medicine (i.e. you must be taking courses necessary to apply to medical school) This includes 1 year of each of the following: General chemistry, organic chemistry, general biology, and general physics 3. You must be a sophomore (i.e. at time of initiation, you must have completed at least 3 semesters) 4. You must have a GPA of 3.0 overall and an average of 3.0 in the sciences 5. All pledges must participate in a community service project This project is usually decided on by the pledge class

5 The inevitable and dreaded dues…

6 BUT HAVE NO FEAR! One time payment for lifetime membership We use your dues on YOU – End of year banquet – Club activities – Updating test-prep materials available to club members – Fun medical school touring adventures

7 So… how much? Total dues: $85.00 $50.00 go towards the National AED Chapter $35.00 remain in the local chapter to help better serve you!

8 Once you’re an active member: Able to obtain leadership positions within the organization Eligible for scholarships Gain a better insight into the world of medicine and medical school Able to document being apart of a select, prestigious pre-medical honors society

9 How AED Helps Almost every member is or has taken the courses you are in Many members are in the process of or are taking the MCAT We have a library of MCAT testing supplies and there are scholarships available

10 How AED Helps Annual scholarships available for consideration: Virgil L. Tweedie Scholarship ($5,000 - one) Moore Scholarships ($1,500 - one awarded per region) AED Recognition scholarships ($1,000 - two to three per region)

11 How AED Helps RESOURCES AMCAS and MCAT Questions and Answers Kaplan Materials & Events FREE books to study from in the BRC

12 How AED Helps Our main goal is to help you get into Med School Hold mock interviews Inform you of questions typically asked by specific universities

13 How AED Helps Let you experience first hand what you are applying for Give you something to talk about other than classes Prove to Med Schools that you’re not messing around

14 How AED Helps Worthwhile distraction from the normal onslaught of classes Develop social skills useful in Medical School and beyond Way to meet people (like me!)

15 Events This Semester Dr. Wade Clapp (Feb 18) Mock Interviews & Interview Workshop House Movie Night IU Med School Tour Physician Shadowing Program Annual Banquet at “the OG”

16 Annual Events Volunteer Opportunities Project HOPE March of Dimes Fundraiser Medical School Tours Research Experiences Cadaver Lab Tour at IUSM Purdue Campus

17 Dr. Wade Clapp Talk Monday Feb 18 7:00 pm RAWLS 2079 Director of Admissions for the M.D./ Ph.D. Program at IU School of Medicine Will bring Purdue alum who are currently M.D./ Ph.D. Students Great contact for Wells Center (Riley/IUSM) Summer Research Internship

18 Mock Interviews/ Workshop Dr. Terstreip will provide a short workshop with information & tips for making your interview a breeze Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to be interviewed MED SCHOOL style With REAL medical school or other preprofessional graduate school questions You will be ready It can make or break you… & this will be an invaluable asset

19 House Movie Night

20 IUSM Tour Purdue van or carpooling available Most likely Saturday after spring break

21 Physician Shadowing Program Great Opportunity for NON-Biology majors! ONLY AED provides this service We will set you up with a physician to shadow! Eg. Dr. Rita Mankus  Nephrologist

22 Banquet

23 Volunteer Opportunities March of Dimes Fundraiser Project H.O.P.E. High School Outreach Promoting Education

24 Spring Break 2008 Pre-Health & Health Teams International Service Learning Check ISL’s website for team schedules and costs. For additional information contact: (816) 767-0481

25 Officer Positions Available Pledge Coordinator Historian Webmaster Physician Shadowing Program Director Vice President Positions opening in the fall

26 Best of all… Let us know what else we can do for you! Questions?

27 Alpha Epsilon Delta

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