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1 Vladimir Botchko Lecture 8. Representation and Description Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Vladimir Botchko Lecture 8. Representation and Description Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Vladimir Botchko Lecture 8. Representation and Description Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)

2 2 Representation and Description n Representation schemes n Boundary descriptors n Regional descriptors: textures and moments n Morphology

3 3 Representation and Description n Representation schemes n Boundary descriptors n Regional descriptors: textures and moments n Morphology

4 4 Representation and Description n Representation schemes n Boundary descriptors n Regional descriptors: textures and moments n Morphology

5 5 Some simple descriptors

6 6 Textures. Cooccurrence matrix. n Original image (upper left) (skin, leaves, brick, stone), segmentation based on: conrast (upper right), homogeneity (lower left), standard deviation (lower right)

7 7 Texture Fourier signatures for skin (top) and for leaves:  (left), r(right).

8 8 Texture Fourier signatures for brick (top) and stone:  (left), r(right).

9 9 Texture segmentation based on autoregression model n From top left to right bottom: an original image, AR model segmentation, smoothing (relaxation), Sobel edge detection, superposition of detected edges and an original image.

10 10 The same for forest fire segmentation (the second image shows training regions)

11 11 Moments

12 12 Representation and Description n Representation schemes n Boundary descriptors n Regional descriptors: textures and moments n Morphology

13 13 Morphology

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