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Ice Ages and the Missoula Floods. Basic Glacier Types Valley Glaciers (South Cascade Glacier) Ice Sheets (Greenland)

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Presentation on theme: "Ice Ages and the Missoula Floods. Basic Glacier Types Valley Glaciers (South Cascade Glacier) Ice Sheets (Greenland)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ice Ages and the Missoula Floods

2 Basic Glacier Types Valley Glaciers (South Cascade Glacier) Ice Sheets (Greenland)

3 Anatomy of a Glacier When it gets colder or wetter - glaciers get bigger

4 Climate Since the Cenozoic Tukwilla Fm Blakeley Fm Vashon Fm H-2

5 How do we know that we have been in an Ice Age for 2 Myrs? Evidence of: 1.Glacial Erosion 2.Glacial Sediments 3.Glacial Landforms

6 1. Glacial Erosion

7 Mt. Stuart

8 2. Glacial Sediments Till Outwash (Sand & Gravel)

9 3. Glacial Landforms Moraine Glacial Erratic

10 North American Ice Sheets Last Glacial Period (ca. 20,000 yrs) H-1

11 17,000 years ago H-4

12 Puget Sound Ice (map  D Molenaar, 1987)

13 Puget Sound During the Ice Age (A Modern Analogy - Columbia Glacier, AK) Austin Post

14 Sequence of Events Puget Sound Animation H-10

15 Seattle Area Shows Evidence for Several Glacial Advances

16 Glacial Formations in Puget Sound H-3

17 Climate Since the Cenozoic H-2

18 Glacial Cycles Within an Ice Age Quaternary Ice Age 2 Myrs Glacial Period Interglacial Period H-3

19 Glacial Sediments in Puget Sound

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