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Report of Summer Work 宋惟農 2008/09/02. 2 Outline IPTV study ZigBee controller for IPTV.

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Presentation on theme: "Report of Summer Work 宋惟農 2008/09/02. 2 Outline IPTV study ZigBee controller for IPTV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of Summer Work 宋惟農 2008/09/02

2 2 Outline IPTV study ZigBee controller for IPTV

3 3 IPTV study What’s IPTV Solution of QoS Solution of QoE Channel zapping

4 4 What’s IPTV Internet Protocol Television (IPTV): The Killer Application for the Next-Generation Internet, IEEE Communications Magazine, November 2007

5 5 What’s IPTV IPTV advantage:  High video quality  Two way communication. IPTV technical challenge:  QoS (Quality of Service) Bandwidth of Internet is limited.  QoE (Quality of Experience) Channel zapping is too slow.

6 6 IPTV study What’s IPTV Solution of QoS Solution of QoE Channel zapping

7 7 Solution of QoS Multicast  It needs only one flow in backbone for multiple users to watch the same channel.  Not fully supported until IPv6. Admission control  Only permitted user can watch IPTV. 類似現在有線電視不可以自己偷接,付多少錢才能看多少。

8 8 IPTV study What’s IPTV Solution of QoS Solution of QoE Channel zapping

9 9 Solution of QoE Fast channel zapping  Fast Channel Switching For Hybrid Unicast/Broadcast Mobile Television, Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 1-4, March 31 2008-April 2 2008

10 10 IPTV study What’s IPTV Solution of QoS Solution of QoE Channel zapping

11 11 Channel zapping Traditional channel zapping New channel zapping with new coding method for MPEG 4 Our channel zapping with different bit rate My plan

12 12 Traditional channel zapping 1. Stop current channel 2. Ask for new channel 3. Wait for next I-frame (MPEG 4 only) 4. Wait for buffering 5. Play new channel

13 13 Channel zapping Traditional channel zapping New channel zapping with new coding method for MPEG 4 Our channel zapping with different bit rate My plan

14 14 New channel zapping with new coding method for MPEG 4 I-frame (intra frame): base image P-frame (other frame): difference from base image Method:  Ask for last I-frame.  Server encode current frame as I-frame.  Another flow to transmit I-frame of all channels. Advantage:  About 2~3 seconds faster  5 seconds -> 2~3 seconds. Disadvantage:  Private encoder and decoder

15 15 Channel zapping Traditional channel zapping New channel zapping with new coding method for MPEG 4 Our channel zapping with different bit rate My plan

16 16 Our channel zapping with different bit rate Transmit neighbor or favorite channels with lower bit rate simultaneously. Advantage:  0 zapping time! (Buffer switch only) Disadvantage:  Additional bandwidth  Users can only choose specific channels. Extra advantage:  Serve different kind of device simultaneously. Ex: Handheld device and TV, big screen and small screen

17 17 Channel zapping Traditional channel zapping New channel zapping with new coding method for MPEG 4 Our channel zapping with different bit rate My plan

18 18 My plan Server: VLC Client: Qt Why Qt not VLC?  The API of VLC is not full developed, we can’t control the action of lower level. Qt can.

19 19 Outline IPTV study ZigBee controller for IPTV

20 20 ZigBee controller for IPTV Computer COM port Transceiver Controller

21 21 ZigBee controller for IPTV 主畫面 Pre  上一個選單 Play  播放 Pause  停止播放 Next  下一個選單

22 22 ZigBee controller for IPTV 音量調整 Pre  上一個選單 +  大聲 -  小聲 Next  下一個選單

23 23 ZigBee controller for IPTV 頻道選擇 Pre  上一個選單 +  下一台 -  上一台 Next  下一個選單

24 24 ZigBee controller for IPTV 畫面調整 Pre  上一個選單 Type  畫面類型 Single, Double, Quad Screen  主控畫面切換 Next  下一個選單

25 25 ZigBee controller for IPTV 無線傳輸功率調整 Pre  上一個選單 +  功率加強 -  功率減弱 Next  下一個選單

26 26 ZigBee controller for IPTV Future work  Player 程式的開關  睡眠模式 ( 省電 )

27 27 Thank You~

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